Chapter Twelve: The misunderstanding.(the 4th year)

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This is the 4th school year and my 12th chapter! hope you like it!

i only own the characters i made up.

-Chapter Twelve: The misunderstanding.

Bridget POV

The next day we left with the train to hogwarts and left to the eating room for dinner. We all sat down at the eating table of gryffindor. Hello everyone! this year we skip the quidditch games for something else! everyone protested. Quiett!!!!!! dumbledore said. We are doing the triwizard tournament instead! But we only can do this tournament under one condition from the minstry of magic: the minimum age to enter is 17 year! Everyone protested again and dumbledore told everyone to be quiet again. You can enter untill wednesday next week! good luck everyone! We all ate. 2 days later we watched how everyone entered the triwizard tournament. The next day it was the revelation of the 3 contestends. Hello everyone! first we are going to choose the one from Klammfells! Dumbledore catched the paper and red: Viktor Krum! Viktor came forward, shook hands with dumbledore and stood on his place. For Beauxbaxtons: Fleur Delacour! Fleur shook hands with dumbledore and stood on her place next to viktor. And for Hogwarts: Cedric Diggory! Cedric came forward , shook hands with dumbledore and stand next to fleur. These are the 3 candidates of the triwizard tournament! And now you can all eat......Dumbledore turned when he heard the flames of the goblet move again. 2 other papers flew out of the goblet and dumbledore catched them. This is impossible...he whispered. Harry Potter and Bridget Rowe!!! Where are they! Dumbledore said. Go! hermione whispered and pushed us a little bit. We both stood up and walked to dumbledore. We walked to the candidates and stood right next to them. Harry..what's happening...i whispered to him. I don't know bridget..he whispered back. At the end of the dinner we walked to an room with the other candidates. The teachers followed with Bartemius Crouch. Mr.Crouch...what should we do..dumbledore asked. Everyone who's chosen from the goblet of fire has an magical contract...i'm afraid that mister potter and miss rowe have to participate. Rita Skeeter walks in to interview us. Hello darlings! i'm rita skeeter and everyone in the wizard world want's to know who you all are! so who i'm going to interview first! Mister Potter! they left and turned after 15 minutes. Miss Rowe! your turn! I walked to the hallcloset and walked in. Rita Skeeter closed the door and started the interview. So...Bridget was it...right? Well bridget, are your father and mother worried about you, participating the triwizard tournament? I don't should know that i don't have parents anymore...everyone knows about that...Did you entered the triwizard tournament yourself? No! i didn't....i'm having other things on my mind right know so no..entering an tournament isn't one that fit's in...Can we go back to your family? i've heard that you have a brother, where is he? He's dead..just like my parents..Well it was nice speaking with you bridget, you can leave...I left and walked to the other candidates. After 2 hours everyone was done and harry and i walked back to the common room of gryffindor. Harry..hermione walked towards us. Yes hermione? Ron said that Neville said that Parvati said that hagrid is looking for you. Well tell ron that...Harry! i'm not an owl! and you two need to stop fighting about nothing! Hermione walked away with ginny and ron dissapeard too. That was weird...well see you later harry. See you later bridget. The next day harry came to me. Bridget...Yes harry? I know what the first task has to do something with dragons..Thank you harry...I walked threw the school, surching for melody...why was she always gone? I remembered something from last year. Wolf! Quick i ran out of the school, to the forest and howled to call him. Wolf called back and then he cried, i heard some twitches break and thought....something is completely wrong, and i was right...

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