Chapter Eleven: The vacation at the weasley's.

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Hi everyone! this was first a part of the 10th chapter but i think the 10th chapter was too long so i splitted it up! hope you like the rest of the chapter! 

I only own the characters i made up.

-Chapter Eleven: The vacation at the weasley's.

Bridget POV

The next day was already the vacation. I packed my stuff and walked with ginny, ron, george and fred to the train. I sat in the train with my friends and looked outside. I heard an very familliar howl. See you next year..i whispered. Did you heard that too? sheila said. Everybody shook there head. I fell asleep and ginny woke me up. Bridget! we arrived! come on! my parents and brothers are waiting! Quick i stood up, stepped out of the train, took my suitcase and walked with ginny to her family. Hello! you must be bridget! mrs weasley gave me a hugg and said: Welcome bridget. When she let go i shook hands with mr weasley and we all walked to there car. I putted my suitcases with the others in the back of the car and sat down next to ron and ginny. Everybody ready? Let's go home! we flew with the car to there house , landed and dragged our suitcases into the house. Ron bridget to her room, ginny..can we talk to you for a moment? I followed ron to my room. This is your room bridget...Thank you ron..i started to unpack my stuff and ron left. Meanwhile down stairs: Ginny! why didn't you told us she's a wolf! and not the normal werewolf but an new kind! She is?...i didn't knew..but bridget never hurts please..let her stay? Alright then ginny...but if she's acting strange then please call us dad said. Sure dad...I walked down stairs and said: i've already unpacked...Well then it's time for dinner! mrs weasley said. We all sat down and she putted food in front of us. So is everything going on school? Very well mrs weasley, we won a couple of quidditch games and the rest is also going well. Good! and what about you? ginny, ron, fred and george? Everything is going well mother...the twins said. After we ate and stayed up untill 11 o'clock we were going to sleep. Up to bed everyone! now! mrs weasley said. At midnight when everybody slept i woke up, put on my warm cape and walked without making an sound downstairs to the hall. I putted on my shoes and walked out of the house. I looked left when i heard something. Hello bridget, you couldn't sleep? - it was mr weasley, working or something - Yeah...the sleep didn't catch me...Well i'm going to work...Alright mr weasley..Without making no sound i walked towards the reed and walked threw it , exploring the environment. When i was far enough i changed in a wolf and started to run around, looking for something. I walked back to the house and forgot that i was still wolf. Mr Weasley saw me and pointed his wand at me. I did a few steps back into the reed and looked at him. He said an spell without speaking and i fell unconscious to the ground. He walked towards me, putted me in the barn and picked me up next morning, i was still wolf. He layed me in the living room and called his family. This is a wolf...and not just a's an new kind of wolf...this wolf can change whenever it wants and has an power the wolf doesn't knows it self. He woke me up and i growled at him. I sat behind the couch where they couldn't see me and changed back into myself. I stood up in my pyjama's and said: sorry..i fell asleep in the living room last night...i couldn't fall asleep...Bridget..tell us the truth..ginny said. You all already know the why should i tell it? Because this is our house bridget...mrs weasley said. I'm sorry i can't...After an half hour we sat down at the eating table for breakfast. But i didn't saw that mr weasley put a drup of truth potion in my tea. I drank my tea and mr weasley asked: tell us the truth about you...The truth? okay then...i got an letter from my father and he said in that letter that i was different...that was all and at the begin of the 3th year i got sick so i surched in books..and there it was! the sympthoms i at the end of the 3th year i changed into an wolf! but people are afraid of me...just like they think i'm going to hurt them...o! and mom said that my hands were dangerous too, i think it was the 1th or 2th year that i hurted malfoy with my hands...he couldn't breath good , tortured, paler then ever and ehh i don't was really scary...I ate my egg and looked at everyone. Please don't tell this to has to remain a secret...i said. We won't tell it anyone bridget...mrs weasley said. The next months we all had fun and bought already our school stuff. When we came back to the house mrs weasley said with suprise: We are going to the quidditch world cup! it's the last week of the vacation, harry is coming and a friend of your father with his sun. We all smiled at her and i talked with ginny about the world cup, this was going to be fun. Finally! today we are going to the quidditch world cup! i'm going to wake them up..hermione said and she walked upstairs. Wake up! Wake up! everyone is waiting! or do you two want to miss the world cup? Hermione walked down and after 5 minutes harry and ron came down. Let's go, Let's go everyone! mr weasley said. We walked threw the forest and ron asked: where are we going? i thought we were going to the worldcup...We are weasley said. Hi my friend! there was mr weasley's friend with his son, cedric diggory. We all said hi to mr diggory and cedric. We walked out of the forest and saw an shoe. What is that? Hands on the shoe bridget! ginny said. Hands on the shoe harry! mr. weasley said. Everything started to spin, Let go! What?! we all let go and landed with an smack to the grass ground. I stood up and looked around. Follow me, we are going to our tent, see you later mr.diggory and weasley said. We walked in a small tent - well what looked small at the outside- and inside it was really big. Wow...i chose an bed and layed my bag on it. After 15 minutes we walked to our standing places in the stadium. we all stand on our place and looked. Look the irish! one of the twins said. And there is krum! they said. After the game we walked back to our tent and talked. Krum was amazing! ron said. I think ron's in love...ginny said. Stop it guys...he's just a good player...ron said. What is that sound? mrs. weasley asked. That will problably be the party..ginny said. That's not an party..We walked out of the tent and saw people running and tents on fire. Go back to the portkey! mr weasley said. We all ran back but i lost them and so did harry. I saw harry lying on the ground, unconscious. Harry! quick i pushed the people away and rushed towards him. Everyone was gone and people in black walked forward. Quick i hided with harry and looked at the people in black. Hey...the persons who killed my mom and dad wore exactly the same...well...sort of..i whispered. They dissapeard and harry woke after an couple of hours. Bridget..where is everyone...lay down bridget! a man is there...harry whispered. We looked at the man and heard ron and hermione calling our name. Bridget! Harry! We stood up and hermione and ron found us. Is everything alright? we've lost you...harry said. Stupefy! , wizards of the ministry of magic appeard, we bent on time and mr weasley ran towards us. Stop!! they didn't do this! who then called out the darkmark...A man..we saw a man who did it..but i couldn't see his face, he went that way. The wizards ran the way harry pointed and we all left to the weasley's house again. We said goodbye to the diggory's and packed for tomorrow.

The Falling Down (Harry Potter fan fiction) [Editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu