Chapter Eight: The lonely vacation.

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Hi! this is my 8th chapter! hope you like it and vote/comment/fan if you want to.

i do not own any characters only the ones i made up.

-H8: The lonely vacation

Emily POV

I saw daniel walk back in. What happend?! is she going to be alright?! I don't know emily..madame pomfrey send me out when i brought her there..i think we see her after the vacation. I'm going to look if she's alright..Emily..No daniel..i'm one of her best friends...and i'm worried. Quick i stood up and walked to the hospital wing of the school. I knocked on the door. Madame Pomfrey? She opened the door and said: yes my dear..what's the matter? can i visit bridget? i'm one of her best friends...please..I'm sorry but i can't let you in..bridget need rest..she will be fine emily..Please madame pomfrey! I'm sorry emily..She shut the door and i walked back to my room, i knew everyone was already finished with eating and hermione was in the library so our room was empty. I packed my suitcase for tomorrow, tomorrow was the begin of the vacation. Hermione walked in. So? how is she? Madame Pomfrey didn't let me in...I think she's going to be fine emily..Yeah..i'm think your right. I crawled in my bed and fell asleep. I woke up early in the morning and put on some clothes. With out a sound i walked out of the room, downstairs, to the hospital wing. Without knocking i walked into the hospital and walked to bridget, she was sleeping. Bridget? Bridget? i wanted to wish you a happy vacation and hopefully i see you next year..She opened her eyes and gave me an hugg and cried. will see me next year..don't worry..ow..bridget...please don't crush me..She stopped hugging me and fell asleep again. I sighed and whisperd: see you next year..I walked to the trainstation with hermione, harry, ron, daniel, sheila and thom. We put our suitcases in the carriage and chose an cabine. I saw bridget this morning...Everybody looked at me and i said: she woke up , started to hugg me and cried...after that she fell asleep again..That sounds like she is really broken...Sheila said. Yes indeed...We talked about other things at our way home and said goodbye at the arrival station. I took out my suitcase and daniel did the same. Emily! Daniel! Dad gave us a hugg and took our hands. We walked to our house and unpacked. During diner we take threw our vacation plans. Didn't wanted bridget to come this year as well? mom asked. Well..bridget is very sick...she's staying at school for this vacation. Alright..i hope she get better soon. I hope that to mom.

Bridget POV

I woke up and saw that nobody was here in the hospital wing. I stood up, took on my clothes and walked threw the school. Where is everybody? I heard footsteps and hide away. When the footsteps where gone i walked further threw the school. Quick i ran to my room and took out an backpack, i took some money, clothes and some other stuff and put it into my backpack. I sneaked without making any sound threw the school and walked to the entrance of the school. damn..the gate is locked...I took out my wand and tried to open the lock on the gate: Bombarda! It didn't worked..the lock was still closed. I thought for a moment...The forbidden forest! Quick i ran threw the forest and finally i found a way out. Quick i ran further and find a way to hogsmeade. I payed for an hotelroom and sat down in an cafe, drinking a cup of tea. This cafe wasn't famous under hogwarts so no one would recognize me. An group of wizards stormed in and looked around, they walked towards me. Quick i took out my wand, they attacked first. Protego! I was to weak to fight...quick i tried to find a way out. Expecto Patronum! An patronum in the shape of an wolf throwed them out of the cafe. Quick i ran to the restroom and climbed threw the little window above the toilet. When i stood on the ground outside i saw them again, running towards me. Accio Broomstick! Come on...come on...There he was. Quick i climbed on the broomstick and turned my wand to them: Obliviatum! Quick i flew away in the hope that they won't every get there memory back. I didn't know where to fly to and fell after one hour to the ground, besides the cafe: the three broomsticks. I lost consciousness before i could hide. Melody walked out of the three broomsticks, melody was a student at hogwarts, she had no family and no friends, so she stayed at hogwards in the vacation. She walked and then she saw me, lying on the floor with an broomstick. Hey! hello! are you alright? she asked. She ran towards me and recognized me. She ran back to the three broomsticks and came back with mcgonagall, mcgonagall takes always care of melody, so it was normal that she came back with her. Good job melody..go back inside now..Renervatio..mcgonagall said. I woke up and backed away a little bit. My leg hurted when i backed away. It's alright bridget..your safe now..Come..i'll bring you back to hogwarts. I don't want to go back! nobody is's quiet out there when it is vacation. I'm sorry bridget but you're still need to go back. Without saying anymore i followed her back to hogwarts and to the hospital wing. Take some rest bridget..She walked away and i sat down in the window frame. I felt like a prisoner, no way out...I heard footsteps at the end of the hall. Bridget...Dumbledore came in. How are you feeling today? Still weak..Why can't i just have a vacation at hogsmeade? i can't stay here all day, doing nothing..If you want to go to hogsmeade or something else you can..but not on your problably want to ask why you can't go alone..well you're in danger're an danger for yourself and people are surching you..I know..they attacked me in hogsmeade..i couldn't fight against them because i'm still to weak but i erased there memory's so i'm safe for'ill never be safe..maybe for now but they will come back...Get some rest..if you want you can go to hogsmeade this afternoon. Dumbledore left and i looked out of the window again. I can't sit here all day..I walked threw the school again and ended up in the library. I found an book full of mythical creatures and red it. There it was...the wolves...werewolves..wolves...animagus...the new kind of wolf/animagus...i red it all and focused on the last one. The first time of changing is unclear and is during 1 month...then it gets heat, dizzyness, weakness, pain, muscle ache, head ache, fever , angerissues. I dropped the book and thought for a moment. This is a disscryption of my disease...I put the book back where it came from and took out the spells book of my dad. I practiced some spells and felt tired after an half hour. Melody came in. Do you mind if i look around? No not at all melody..this isn't my room so you can do what you want. I borrowed the mythical creatures book and another one about special abilities, rare gifts, i also borrowed a book about wands. See you later melody..See you later bridget..I walked threw the school again and said to myself: I want to find a place where i'm safe and alone..The wall that i passed by changed in a door. I walked in and thought about it. The room of requirement...i whispered. Quick i walked further in and sat down in a chair. The whole day i red in my borrowed books from the library, trying to understand. I felt lonely again..I need to go out...Quick i put my books in my backpack. I just needed some fresh air...I walked out of the room of requirement and walked out of the school. I sat down in the grass and took out my sign book and pencil. When i was young i always draw everything i saw and liked. I looked at the forest and drew it with an sunset at the background. Quick i drew at another page my favorite tree with flowers and leafs on it. I sighed. I putted my sign book and pencil back in my backpack and just closed my eyes and focused on my breath to calm down again. Expecto Patronum..i whispered. an wolf with an little bird flew around me and flew away. I walked into the forest to see the thestrals, i've red about them but would like to see them. There they are...i walked slowly at them and petted one of them. I'm not completely alone..i whispered. I heard an little growl and looked around. I saw an little wolfpup with his eyes just open for 1 week or so. Quick i walked to the pup. Where's your mom? i asked quietley. The wolfpup walked towards me and howled quietly. I can't let you here..then you would die...I took the wolfpup in my arms and walked back to the school. Quick i put the wolfpup in my backpack and ran as quietly as possible to the hospital wing. Bridget? have you seen Melody? I turned to mcgonagall and said: yeah in the library..well that's where i've seen her..Quick i walked to the hospital wing and sat down on my bed. I let the wolfpup out of the backpack and said: Stay here...I'll be right back... Quick i ran out of the hospital and surched for some milk for the puppy. I walked to the eating room and saw an lunch exposed on one table. Quick i took out an bottle of my backpack and filled it with milk. When it was full i put it back in my backpack and ran back to the hospital wing. Puppy i'm back...Surching for this...miss rowe..Snape again...That's my dog...can i have it back..please? Miss can't fool me..this is an wolfpup...bring it back..But the mother was gone! if i bring it back it will die! When i come back this wolf is gone...He gave it to me and walked out of the hospital. Quick i put her in my backpack again and surched for melody. I found her in the eating room. Melody! will you please watch over this wolfpup for me? just for one day..then i pick it up! please! Ehmm....sure...Thank you melody! Quick i gave her my backpack. It still needs milk so feed him when he is howling...Thank you melody! Quick i ran back to the hospital wing and sat down on a chair. I sighed and practiced some spells because i felt bored again. Snape came back in. You already know that you are an kind of new wolf.....? Yes i am..professor...I gave him the book. O..and the wolfpup is gone...He tried to look in my head but i blocked it. Ok....You can buy tomorrow some school suplies...tomorrow you get your schedule for the next year and you can practice every class you want...He walked away again..with the book...I fell asleep right away after being so long awake. The next day it was already 1 week away before the new school year begon. Quick i brushed my hear and ran to melody. Melody! how did it go? It went well..with the pup..Come on melody, we are going to let him go in the forest and pick him up after buying schoolsuplies. Can i come with you then? nobody ever asked me to do something..Well now somebody did melody..Come on! We let the pup go in the forest and travelled to Diagon Alley to buy our school suplies. I buyed my standard books and some books for an new class, melody did the same. I buyed an leash for the wolfpup and an little ball for him. Melody buyed an cute little bird. We both fit an new uniform and an cloack. Melody was gone in a second and came back with an crazy hat on. I laughed and put on an crazy jacket. We laughed in the mirror when we saw ourselfs an my friends walked in. Bridget? is that you? Hermione! Emily! i hugged them and said: yes it's me. I smiled at them, i'm buying school stuff with melody. I said goodbye to them and took on my own clothes again. Melody and i payed for our uniform and cloack and left to the wandshop to give our wands an check and repair. We travelled to hogsmeade and sat down in the cafe: the three broomsticks. You have a friend now melody. I smiled at her, she smiled back. We orderd lemonade and talked about: our lessons, missteps, interests, movies and jokes. After an hour we were going back to school. I showed her the thestrals, we picked up wolf( that's the name i gave him) and we walked to the room of requirement where we had fun all day. Happy birthday Bridget! Melody said the next day. How did you knew it's my birthday today? You told me yesterday in the three broomsticks, remember? She gave me an bracelett and i put it on. Thank you Melody! it's beautiful! I gave her an hugg and was happy i felt better, still a little bit sick but that would be over in a few weeks. A few more days of fun and practicing went over in no time. Tomorrow was the new school year starting and i was happy that the vacation was over, not that i didn't had fun...i just wanted to have something to do those days. And finally...i found an real friend who had always time for me..that was exactly what i needed.

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