Chapter Fourteen: The second task.

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Hi everyone! this is my 14th chapter! hope you all like it! if you want you can comment/vote/fan.

i only own the characters i made up.

-H14: The second task.

Thom POV

I walked into the gryffindor common room and send an cold/angry glare to bridget. It had to be her fault, i did research on her parents, maybe she didn't knew, but her parents betrayed my dad a long time ago. She looked back at me and i saw misunderstanding and concern in her eyes. I passed her and walked to my dormitory, i heard everybody laughing about something....and i slammed my door behind me. Everything downstairs fell quiet.

Daniel POV

Thom walked in. Hi thom! how was your weekend? He just ignored me , send an cold/angry glare to bridget and walked to his room. I followed him, i knew something was wrong, something happend, but what was it? Thom...He slammed the door behind him. I opened the door and walked in. Thom, what's wrong? They took my dad to azkaban....and it's al her parents fault...Who's parents? You know who i mean daniel! bridget, the girl you love has dark secrets, just like her family...don't trust her daniel...before you know it it's to late...her  parents betrayed my father...What? really? Yes daniel...really..just..leave me alone...I left the room and went to the library. What did he ment about her dark secrets? and her family's? Excuse me, which books did bridget borrowed at the library? she told me to get the back i said to the library lady. You are lucky, these books just put back into the library...wait here..She came back with 2 books. Here you go, have fun with it...she said. Thank you...I picked up the books and red them a little bit. Hmm...books about magical creatures...and one about spells and gifts...I surched and found a place in the books that had fows in it. Bingo, found it....A new kind of wolf...the only one in his or hers kind...very special, good at being invisible, manipulating and hiding...this is the only information we have of this kind...Bridget...she's the new kind...Hi daniel! Whaa! i dropped my book and turned around. Sheila! why did you do that?! i was just looking around...i'm bored...That's not my problem, goodbye sheila..I picked up the book and ran away, surching for bridget.

Bridget POV

I stared at the golden egg with the expectation that it would show me the hidden secret. are staring like that for 2 hours...i think you should take a break...Go away emily...i almost found the secret...Accio golden egg...emily said. She putted the egg away and said: You are taking a break...maybe you can follow your lessons isn't bad to take your mind off the second task...I sighed, stood up, took my bag, my wand and i left to my extra lessons, i skipped a whole school day but i didn't mind...Miss Rowe...your late...sit down...I sat down and ignored malfoy who was trying to make me angry. He stopped with it when Snape closed the door. Today you two are going to learn some spells...because you two are farther then the rest in the book...well...I learned a few spells with saying them and wrote down some spells i could use in the triwizard tournament. An familiar howl rose up from the woods. Snape closed the window and i focused on my work again. After an hour the lesson was over. Quick i took my stuff and left the class room when the bell rang. How did your lesson go? emily asked. Good, but it was sooooo...boring...Here your golden egg...She gave it to me and i looked at it again. Thank you...emily...Quick i ran to the lake and started to howl: Awwhhooooo!!!! Wolf ran towards me and i layed the egg in front of him. I need to find the hidden secret, do you have any idea how? He picked it up, walked towards the lake and layed it down again, he pointed with his nose to me, then at the egg, and then at the lake. Do i need to take the egg into the lake? I picked the egg up, put it in the lake, and opened it. I don't hear anything wolf...I looked at him and he pointed at me and the lake. Now i know what you mean! I closed the egg, took an sprint and dived into the lake. I opened it under water and listend to it. When i knew what it ment , i swom to the shore. i looked at wolf and said: Thank you... I gave him a hugg and an piece of meat. He ran back into the forest and i turned to walk back to school, but there stood daniel with an book. Hi daniel...Hello bridget, forgot your swimming clothes? At the begin it wasn't my plan to was your day daniel? Good...very good...should we skip this small talk and go to the real subject? daniel said. Sure..where do you want to talk about...I just wanted to ask some questions bridget...that's all...Why do you love the forest? I love the forest cuz that's the only place where i don't have anyone around...Where were you the whole day? i didn't see you in any class...and that's not only's a couple of weeks that you skipped lessons...I needed to prepare on the triwizard tournament..Sure bridget...I know what you really did in the woods, and what you are...Yeah daniel, everyone knows that i'm a witch just like my other friends on this school...You are an wolf bridget...I came closer to him and said: don't say it out loud...people can hear you here...a lot of people want me..don't ever tell have to promise me..please daniel..Thom already knows, he gave me a few hints...I thought you were my friend daniel, i get the feeling you're attacking me...He came closer to me. I just don't want my friends to get hurt....and i don't want that you get hurt too...He gave me a kiss, finally, i knew he loved me, i knew it for sure when he stopped when he saw me. He stopped the kiss and took my hand. We walked hand in hand back to the school. Emily looked surprised when she saw us, walking hand in hand into the common room. I'll be right back, daniel...I gave him an quick kiss and dissapeard to my room.

Emily POV

What was that?! i said with surprise. I made clear that i love her? Good job, i trust you that you aren't going to hurt her or break her hart, so i'm happy you two are together, better you then an strange creep.  Thom walked down and walked towards me. You did what?! some day she is going to betray you...He whispered to daniel and then he walked away. What's wrong with him? His dad is in jail, they picked him up when thom was there with him. How awfull! i hope he's going to acept it soon, i miss the old funny thom...i'm going to check if he's okay...I stood up and left the common room.

Bridget POV

I walked down the stairs and looked at daniel. I need to find a solution for the second task, i'm going to the library, are you coming too? I need to go to my next lesson, see you later bridget..I walked to the library and surched threw a book of spells and other things. Got it! how to get an mermaid tail and how to breath under water...this is it....I borrowed the book and decided to sleep a little urley this day. I closed my eyes and thought of my lost roommate, melody... The next day i overslept. Emily rushed into my room. Bridget! the second task! it's going to start! and they are all waiting for you! Quick i stood up, brushed my hair, put on my swimming clothes and some other clothes ( it would be weird if i ran threw the school in my bikini..)  and left with emily to the lake. Quick she pushed me to my place next to harry and the other contestants. Contestants ready? Go! I dived into the water and putted a spell on myself. Quick i swom down the lake, surching for the thing i needed to get back. There it was...5 important persons of each contestant 1 were tied up under water. We need to take one...Quick i swom to them and saw melody....Melody...Quick i cut her loose and swom to the top of the lake. I layed melody on the footbridge and pulled myself up. Melody? She opened her eyes and looked at me. Quick she stood up and said: I wish i never met you...i hate you...And she walked away. My mermaid tail and under water breathing dissapeard. I was in shock from what she said, i didn't even heard the points each contestant got, i just sat there on the ground. Bridget? are you okay? I looked up and saw emily. I shook no with my head. She helped me to stand up and looked worried at me. I..i'm fine..e..emily... No you're not bridget, i'm bringing you back to your room. I took an step away from her and my innerwolf took over. No..i need to get some rest..some were else...Bridget! please! you're getting sick! I put on dry clothes in the dressingroom near the lake. Bridget! Emily..go back to school, go eat..i'll come as quick as possible..Emily left and i ran into the forest and climbed a tree, i sat in the tree with my head in my hands. What happend to melody? she's my best friend, i know her, she would never say that...she changed..I think she thought that i was lying to her...Come on strong..I jumped out of the tree and ran back to school and into the eating room. Up to the next task..i mumbled.

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