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1. Go into an elevator full of people and say, "I hope you all know why I brought you here." 

2. Stop in the middle of the road, point up at the sky and act if there is something there. Then get you friend to join you and start talking about what "that thing" is. Seriously, random people will stop, join in and try to find out what your pointing at.

3. Walk up to someone completely random and say. "Finally, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

4.Walk upto a grown up and say "Would you like me to read you a story?" in a VERY serious voice. It would be even funnier if you hold up a children's story book.

5. Point at a random person, start panicking and yelling, and run away with your arms flapping in the air.

6.Wait until there is only one person left in the elevator with you, and poke them. Then, when they stare at you, shout, "I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" 

7.Dress up as a Harry Potter proffessor and have all your friends dress up as Harry Potter students and go into Wal-Mart pointing at things and saying things like, "As you see, children, this is a muggle washing machine," like you're giving a tour. 

8.get in a spacesuit-looking outfit and run up to some random person on the street and ask them what year it is. When they tell you, scream, "Yes im in_____ it worked MUHAHAHA!! (evil laugh)"  and walk away staring at random things. with your mouth wide open.

9.In Walmart or any other supermarket: Hide in a wardrobe and come out telling everyone that it is the only way to Narnia, and that they are the queen/ king and need to come help Narnia.

10.Dress up as Gandalf and stand on the side of the street calling out Bilbo's name, and stopping random short people asking if they've seen him. 

11.Go to a dressing room and while you are in there, yell really loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!" 

12.Go to petsmart and buy bird seed. Then ask the clerk how long it will take the birds to grow. 

13.In the middle of a crowd start screaming and swatting around your head saying "Get it off me!" 

14.Go up to a random lady with a daughter and say her son is adorable.

15.Follow strangers around a store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant.

16.Go up to random people at the mall, show them your ID, and say, "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN/WOMAN?!"

17.Sit on a bench reading a book and overreact in certain places, like busting out laughing or crying, or start screaming (REALLY LOUD).

18.When you are talking, start yelling random about being interrupted and say it is the voices in your head. 

19. Set up a booth selling air guitars. 

20. Go see a movie in the cinema and start screaming at the characters when they are making out!

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