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1) In a mall shout "hey Pervert" and count how many people turn around.

2) Get up in the middle of Social Studies and yell "The British are coming!" then run out screaming.

3) Go to a drive thru and say "may i take your order?"

4) Draw a circle with chalk in public and scream like a baboon at anyone that enters it.

5) On a really hot day walk outside in ski gear and yell 'whats wrong with you?' to a person who's wearing shorts!

6) Hide in a postbox and every time someone posts a letter push it back out.

7) Buy a cup from burger king and go and ask mcdonalds for a refill.

8) Go to the store, buy a HUGE diaper, then go up to someone and say you dropped this.

9) Come running out of the zoo yelling "I'M FREE! I'M FREE!"

8) Blow up a balloon, then ask someone to pop it, when they do, start screaming.

9) Shout "For Narnia!" and charge into a store, knocking over everything in your way.

10) Put a sticknote on a drive thru microphone that says "speaker broken. please yell."

11) Go buy a puzzle then return to the store after a few minutes complaining that it didn't work.

12) Put a post it note in every mail box down your street that says: "I know where you live!!!"

13) When in an elevator with only one other person,stare at them and breathe heavily.

14) Tie a rock to a string and take it for a walk. Every now and then yell "Bad boy, Fluffy!"

15) Run up and down your street screaming:THEY ARE COMING,then walk away like you never said anything.

16) Run up and down your street screaming:THEY ARE COMING,then walk away like you never said anything.

17) Go up to a really buff man and hug him yelling GRANDMAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

18) Go to pizza hut, call up dominos and ask them to deliver a pizza to you at pizza hut

19) Follow strangers around the department store and laugh hysterically every time they touch anything.

20) Go up to a couple and tell the guy i thought we had something special.

21) Paint your hand blue and go around saying "i killed a smurf!"

21) Go out in public. then when you see an old guy, go up to him, hug him and shout grandpa your alive.

22) Call a random person and say "mommy,i went poopy! Oops,wrong number".

23) Knock on your neighbors door and yell at the top of your lungs "YOU BROKE THE TOILET!"

24) Write "Free Gumballs" on a piece of paper, and tape it to a gumball machine, and watch.

25) Go get caution tape and set up your neighbors house as crime scene

26) Throw a banana at a random person and tell them, "dance monkey,dance!"

27) Follow couples around while playing a romantic 60's song.

28) Tell random people, "DUDE! That wig almost looks REAL!!!"

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