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Give a cashier a $100 bill and ask for change in pennies.

Go up to random men at the mall and ask "Are you my mother?".

Go see a movie and lick gummy bears to make them sticky enough to throw at the projector.

 Get 3 people dress up like pac-man and run around the mall

Go to a movie, and when ever there is a gunshot, scream,"HIT THE FLOOR!!!" And hide under your seat

Go to a football game and hold up a sign that says "The guy behind me can't see."

Climb up a tree and throw meatballs at people.

Text everyone in your phone at 3 a.m. and ask them how to make macaroni and cheeze.

Take a rock to a diner. When it's time to pay, tell them "he's" covering the bill and walk out.  

Walk into a restaurant (avoiding the hostess) and start to take peoples order.  

In the middle of a crowded place, scream "Duck!" as loud as you can and see how everyone reacts.

Hug a tree and when people walk by you say "were having a moment".

Go to a public bathroom with chocolate on your hands. reach under stall & ask for toilet paper.

Go to McDonalds and when they ask "Can i take your order?" yell, "No you make people fat!" then run away.

Create an account on a dating site and say you are not looking for a realationship.

Tell your dad in a public place- "Look, old man, I don't want your candy!"

Knock on someones door. Tell them a corny joke, laugh, and stand there until they close the door.

put 300 garden gnomes facing your neighbors house and yell "WE ARE WATCHING YOU!"  

Hit your head on someones back and when they turn around make a goat noise.

Make lost pet signs for your ant and put them on mailboxes, car windshields, etc.

When someone says "Have a nice day!" stare at them and say, "Don't tell me what to do!"

Walk into a pet store and scream free the animals at the top of your lungs.

Stand on stairs and tell the person behind you, you thought it was a escalator.  

Pretend to pass out in a busy place. When someone touches you scream "I WAS SLEEPING!" and run away.

Call McDonalds and ask for the McDonalds phone number.

Try pants on backwards at the Gap. Ask the salesperson if they make your butt look big.  

Congratulate everyone coming out of the bathroom stall.

Get 50 friends, find a random person, yell thats him and chase him around town.

Go into a zoo and say to a zoo keeper: " Get back in your cage".

Walk up to an old person and ask them what they want to be when they grow up.

Go in to a public bathroom, go into a stall, wait a second, then scream, "Mommy I need help!"

Go to Wal-Mart and hide under the clothes rack and grab people's feet as they walk by.

Go to the public library and read a book aloud. Yell Ssshhh to everyone who stares.

Copy what the traffic enforcer is doing... after 5 minutes... ask him why is he copying you.

Go to the supermarket and ask with a banana in your hand "Why are your carrots yellow?"

Call a random number and when they pick up shout  “I don't talk to STRANGERS...”

Attack a bus with a banana.

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