Who am I chapter 3

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Here's the next chapter sorry it's late enjoy

Monday came and went by quickly me thinking about Shreya and our day ahead I was going to get to see the house I would've grown up in if all had been well I waited outside the gates at the end of the school day

"Hey Raven you want a lift?" Andrew asked he was a friend his dad was picking him up

"No I'm fine I've got a lift thanks though Andrew" Andrew nodded and walked off towards his dad's car, after he left a red BMW stopped in the road ahead of me I bent down to see Shreya in the drivers seat

"Am I late?" She asked

"No" I told her as I walked over to the passenger side and got in

"How was school?"she asked school was a blur I thought

"It was good, as usual" she nodded with a smile "how was your day?" I asked

"My day was a blur" she answered I stared at her with my mouth hanging open she smiled at me for a split second before looking at the road again "what?" She asked "what did I say?" I shook my head

"Nothing" I told her it was just a coincidence that I was thinking what she said, right? I didn't have time to dwell on it as we drove into the countryside we were surrounded by trees and it was so quite she soon stopped the car in front of a big house this house was four storeys it was huge it could probably be a small school

"This house was built over a century ago it used to be a school" I nodded I was right we walked up the cobbled road to a very strange looking door how was it strange you ask well what does every door have ...... a handle right? Right this door had no handle no don't read that again you did not read it wrong and it isn't a typing mistake this door really had no handle there was a small iPad like panel where the handle should've been it was the size of a sweet wrapper it was black with a white border Shreya put her thumb on the panel with her fingertip down, a green light flashed on the panel and with a long beep the door opened she turned to see me and my face was hanging open she smiled at my shock then went on to explain

"I'm always losing my keys so this just makes life easy" she shrugged I nodded makes sense. I guessed that the inside would be very hi tech but it wasn't it was ...... normal we walked into a long hallway on our right was a living room with an archway leading into the dining room there were two doors in the dining one led into the kitchen the other led into a conservatory in the kitchen on the side there was a staircase "come I'll show you your room" I was confused did she think I was staying here I followed her hoping to set her straight I mean I liked her but not enough to leave my mum, not yet anyway we made it up the stairs there was a door to the right "that's my room" we walked past it we walked past a few more doors we then came to a stop at the very end of the hall "this is your room" she said she took a deep breath then opened the door

"Wow" I exclaimed that was an understatement it felt like I had walked into santas workshop there were presents everywhere piled up high they were all different sizes and shapes there were hundreds wrapped in all sorts of different coloured paper some were red some were blue some were green some said merry Christmas some said happy birthday some were plain did she work for a charity or something? "what is all this? I feel like I've stepped into santa's workshop"I stated

"You've been to santa's workshop?" She asked excitedly I turned towards her questioningly "right of course not, Santa isn't real" she whispered the last part I turned away then

"Sooo what is all this?" I asked again

"Presents, your presents for every year some for your birthday, some for Halloween, some for Easter and some for Christmas" she stated with a shrug there was no way I could open all these I mean if there were many for every year it started the day I was born most would be toys, I didn't need nor want toys but how do I tell her that some might be clothes, clothes that wouldn't fit me anymore maybe I could give some of these to a charity I was big on giving to charities especially around Christmas but how do I tell her that without upsetting her "you know" she spoke, I turned to her giving her my full attention "I was just thinking, you're not going to need all this I mean I only kept all this to keep my dead daughter alive but seen as though you're here now we don't need all this and you know Christmas is coming in a few months, so I was wondering if you keep the presents you got for your fifteenth we could give the rest to charity? I mean you know if that's ok with you" she finished how does she do that I have noticed she's done that so many times she voices my thoughts do we think alike so much it sounds crazy

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