Who am I chapter 9

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hey guys here's the next chapter please comment

The whole evening we sat and talked then I called my mum at eight and told her I was sleeping at Shreya's tonight.

"Ok sweety that's fine, can I please talk to Shreya?"

"Uhh sure" I told her then covered the mouth piece "Shreya? Mom wants to talk to you"

"Oh ok" she came to the phone and took it "uhh hello?" They started the talk and I walked back to my friends

"What was that all about?" Blake asked referring to both my mothers talking to each other I looked over at Sherya trying to figure it out but Sherya turned her back to me giving nothing away I sighed then shrugged

"No idea" I told him.

After what felt like hours of wondering what was going on Sherya came back she sat next to me on the couch and patted my leg. I was facing Arimas talking to him about blood and different kinds his favourite was A- that was my blood group. I turned to face Sherya.

"Well what did mum want?" I asked nervously.

"Ooh nosey aren't we?" She smirked I gave her an evil look she put her hands up in surrender motion.

"She just wanted to make sure you go to bed on time and you get up on time that's all" Shreya shrugged I  sighed

"I'm sorry, she's telling you what to do, can't be fun getting told what to do especially when you're an adult" I told her looking at the floor.

"It's fine Ray I'm actually glad" she smiled I just furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, how could she be glad to be told what to do? she smiled even wider probably reading my mind

"It just shows me she cares about you and it proves even more that your father made the right choice when he chose her to be your mum" I cried at that there were so many occasions when she said that to me but I never got tired of hearing it my mum knew what Sherya says and she cries too. I knew what Sherya meant, James could've chosen someone who wouldn't have looked after me properly it could've gone either way. I couldn't have been happier growing up it was brilliant.

The next morning Shreya woke me at seven and I got ready for school after a quick shower, I had breakfast then left for school.

Once there I saw Annie and Andrew talking to Jen great I already lost them as friends now I lose Jen to I tried to look strong by holding my head up high I walked straight past them

"Hey Ray wait up, bye guys," that was Jen I turned to her as she ran towards me "morning" she smiled widely

"Uhh morning" I told her looking towards my two former friends she turned to look too

"Wait you're not going to tell me not to talk to them are you?" she asked me her smile was no longer there

"What" I exclaimed looking back at her "no of course not I'm not five" she sighed

"Good coz you weren't the only one that helped me last year" she reminded me as we walked together to home room, I smiled at her as I put an arm around her shoulder.

After home room we went our separate ways to our separate classes

At lunch as I ate my sandwich I felt someone sit next to me, thinking it was Chloe I turned towards them ready to shout at her but when I turned I saw it was Annie

"Hi, is this seat taken?" She asked as if she was talking to me for the first time she seemed shy I relaxed wanting to know where this was going

"Yeah my invisible friend is sat there" I told her turning back to my food she just laughed lightly I didn't laugh trying to look serious

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