Who am I chapter 5

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Hey guys here's the next chapter enjoy

Over the next few weeks my social life became next to nothing between school, learning the craft, and planning my birthday party I had no time for friends but luckily I knew my two best friends would always be by my side Annie and Andrew, we were known all over school as the three musketeers everyone knew us we were straight A students but don't get me wrong we were known for our pranks too, we normally played pranks on bullies so if anyone was getting bullied they would come to us and the bully would get a taste of their own medicine, like last year a girl named Jennifer came to see Annie and told her she was getting bullied by this girl who thinks Jennifer cannot sing in the talent competition because she is better, she stole Jennifer's cd and her demo cd showing it to the judges like it was her own, so we played a prank on her


I had just entered school in the morning and Andrew stopped me.

"We have new client her names Jennifer the bully is Chloe" he explained the situation whilst I planned the payback. Andrew and Annie would find ways to make it happen, then the whole school would help, if we needed, to bring the plan together. I rubbed my hands together, I did this whenever I was thinking of a plan, I sat in class the whole first period thinking, then a smile etched across my face, I had the perfect plan and at lunch I would explain this plan to my friends, two weeks later, being the contest that Jen wanted to take part in, our plan would be put into action. Jen wanted results straight away but we assured her that revenge was a dish best served cold in other words the longer it takes the better because the longer it takes the safer the victim, being Chloe, feels Jen trusted us so she went along with us, it was a great plan.

Two weeks later we were in the auditorium, we sat waiting for the show to go on, the show was great Andrew Annie and I sat in the audience near the middle, safest and best seats in the house, the first talent was a magician who sawed a volunteer in half then came a clown then a singer there were a few singers and dancers my favourite was the street dancer and my friends agreed that he was great. Then came the moment we had been waiting for Chloe walked on stage like she owned it confidence could be seen in her walk and stance she walked over to the mic

"I am going to perform a song I wrote myself" she lied again with confidence I was certain we were doing the right thing I glanced at Jennifer I saw a tear roll down her face just before she wiped it away, she had told us she had written this song for her best friend six years ago when she had died due to a car accident it was bad enough that Chloe stole that song but to say she wrote it was worse but despite that I smiled knowing she would get what was coming to her. Music started to play in the background then she started to sing

'You were here, you were there

You were everywhere

When I needed a friend

I saw your face

You made me laugh when I cried

You made me feeeel alive

You were here ........

I know it was a good song but we didn't have time to hear the whole thing because Jen, who wanted to do this, pulled a rope next to her there was a bucket above Chloe way up on the beams, when Jen pulled the rope the contents of the bucket fell onto Chloe this stuff was glue how do I know? Duh anyway Chloe shrieked but then she started to choke why? Well In front of Chloe was a table fan the fan came on pointing at her there was confetti on the stage it was suppose to blow all around her when the song finished instead it stuck to her the headmaster to this day hasn't found out who did it of course they have their suspicions but no proof I mean we're straight A students we cannot do no wrong

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