Who am I chapter 10

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As promised here's the next chapter this chapter is dedicated to EricaMarlow thank you for voting for chapter nine

P.s I hope I got your name right Erica forgive me if I haven't

The week passed by quickly and before I knew it, it was Saturday the day my mum comes to shreya's place for dinner the day we tell her the truth, I had thought a lot about this but I was still nervous.

At eight o clock Shreya's doorbell rang both of us turned towards the door then turned to each other, we took a breath together, I nodded to her she stood from the sofa, turned off the t.v, then went to answer the door.My hands were sweaty I was trying to breath properly but I knew that if any vampires were nearby they could probably hear me breathing

"Hi Hun, are you ok?" My mum asked as I felt her hand on my shoulder I opened my eyes only now realising they were shut

"Mum, you came" I told her as I hugged her hard

"Oh" she said surprised she hugged me too as she laughed lightly

"I'll go prepare dinner" Shreya announced

"Oh I'll help" I said standing up

"No Ray you stay here and catch up with your mum, I'm sure she would like that?" she said the last part looking at my mum who nodded towards me I sat back down and we talked as Shreya went into the kitchen. I knew she didn't need my help all she needed was magic but I was so nervous that's why I had wanted to go into the kitchen and I had a feeling Shreya knew that and that's why she stopped me from going in.

We ate our steak and mash in silence, Shreya and I kept looking at each other across the table, my mum sat next to me trying to start a conversation but she only got small answers from Shreya and I so she gave up, after dinner I cleaned the table then as Shreya and I were doing dishes mum came in

"Here let me help with the dishes" she said as she rolled up her sleeves

"No Mrs Morris you go sit we'll do these" Shreya told her as she handed me an empty dish

"Ok number one" mum said showing her index finger "I think we have reached the stage where you can call me Zoya, number two" she showed two fingers "what am I suppose to do by myself" she whined, seriously, she whined like a five year old she even stamped her foot Shreya stared at her with her mouth hanging open then I saw mums upper lip twitch I knew then that she was joking she did that sometimes when I got upset and it would make me laugh so guess what I did?, that's right I laughed, I laughed hard I was holding my stomach from the pain mum laughed too then Shreya laughed we laughed together all the nervousness gone when we stopped and wiped away our tears mum spoke again "ok now do you two mind telling me what's going on?" Mum asked folding her arms across her chest, Shreya and I looked at one another nerves returning. When we didn't speak she carried on "I wasn't born yesterday people I know when my daughter is nervous I know when something is wrong, now I know that something is wrong so please tell me" she was nearly crying Shreya looked at me with a look that said 'what are you waiting for, tell her' but I couldn't so naturally mum came up with her own conclusion "oh my god you're pregnant" she said covering her mouth

"What? Mum no I'm not pregnant ewww, I don't even have a boyfriend mum ewwww" I told her making a disgusted face she recovered

"Well if you were pregnant, that would be the worst thing you could tell me" she walked closer to me and held me by my shoulders "so whatever is wrong cannot be that bad" I thought about that the woman had a point so I decided to tell her rip it off like a bandaid Like Shreya Han done with me.

"Mum I'm a witch" I told her Shreya cursed really loudly but I couldn't see her as she was behind me, mum was still holding me she wasn't moving "mum" I patted her on the shoulder she 'woke up'

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