Who am I chapter 22

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Ancient witches powers soar,

We have the power of five not four,

We seek your help in finding

The succubus who's in hiding" (taken from charmed, reworded a little to suit the story)

Wind erupted in the attic and once again we found ourselves in the cave, Linda, or Ezmarelda was lying on a boulder her eyes were closed she had beads of sweat on her forehead the succubus was stood next to her holding her hand he turned to face us there were black streaks on his face from under his eyes going all the way down, like he had cried black water

"Demons tears are black, like their soul" Shreya whispered, I nodded in understanding the demon smiled

"A vampire, you're suppose to be on my side" the demon bellowed

"Not this time" Arimas said seriously I had never seen him this serious before, the demon scoffed

"If you're not with me then you're dead"

"I don't think so, evil doesn't pay, good does"

"Not this time" the demon brushed his hand from right to left and Arimas went flying and crashed into the wall, but he got up, brushed himself off, then with a smile flew at the demon he grabbed the demon by his neck and flew up, into the 'ceiling' of the cave, he hit the demons head into it, some bits fell down from the ceiling before Arimas let go of the demon who fell down besides the boulder that Linda was lying on. He got up quickly and smiled evilly at Arimas

"You'll pay for that" he said before he lunged forward really fast and crashed Arimas into the cave wall, again bits of the wall fell away and I thought about how much damage these two were doing to the cave. Like this both fought as Shreya quickly blinked to the unconscious body of Linda and pulled out a spell from her blue jeans pocket then started to read

( spell taken from charmed reworded to suit the story)

"Magic Forces Far And Wide" she read the first line

"No" the demon lunged towards Shreya but I threw an energy ball at him, it didn't hurt him but it slowed him down a little, Arimas got hold of him again and started to throw punches at him

"Enchant These So Those Cant Hide" she read the next line

"Allow This Human To Use Therein" the body of Linda started to shake

"No, get away from her!" the demon shouted flinging his arm through the air sending Shreya flying and crashing against the cave wall

"MOM" I shouted running towards her, she was lying face down in the sand 'a life will be lost' I remembered, bitterly, the angels words as I started to cry "please, please be okay" I turned her over, she opened her eyes a little then whispered the last line of the spell

" So She Can kill ..... The Evil Within" she closed her eyes, and her head leaned away from me, the body of Linda stopped shaking the demon fell to his knees, the mouth of Linda opened and a puff of black smoke came out, the demon looked at it

"Ezmarelda" he whispered, the smoke was her soul the demon cried, black tears fell

"Ashes to ashes

Spirit to spirit

Take this soul

Banish this evil" (taken from charmed) I said a spell that banishes evil souls, the ground shook and opened, at first it was black and then a fire raged I could hear screaming

"No" the demon cried as Ezmarelda's soul started to get sucked into the fire she tried to fight but she couldn't her soul fell into the fire, the demon reached in but couldn't catch it, Skylar, using her brain went behind the demon and pushed him

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