Who am I chapter 16

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Hello lovely readers, I hope you're well this chapter is dedicated to EricaMarlow for being a great fan she votes for every chapter in fact I might just dedicate the book to her, I think that would be best we'll see. An important note at the end please read, and enjoy chap sixteen.

A week had passed since the gild was sent to limbo and I went back to school, Annie and Andrew were happy to see me. Shreya had written me a note saying I had been absent from school because my nana, being Shreya's mum, had been taken to hospital, the doctors knew she wouldn't survive for long and because I never really knew her we had decided that it would've made her happy to get to know me before she died, we lost her on Friday, the funeral took place on Saturday and I was back in school on Monday. Of course all this was a lie Shreya's mother had died two decades ago, but no one else in school knew that so it was okay.

We were sat in home room Monday morning. Mrs Chadwick was doing the register

"Natalie, George, Kyle, Ryan, Steven" and the pupils were answering

"Here miss, here miss" but Mrs Chadwick stopped due to a knock on the door, she opened it to reveal a younger student from year seven, or junior student

"Yes?" She asked

"Morning miss, sorry to disrupt your class but mr Peterson wants to see Raven in his office" the kid said all heads turned to me I tried to shrink in my seat

"Very well" mrs Chadwick said then turned to me "Raven?" I stood slowly, the class room was silent some kids, like Chloe, were smiling whilst others looked sympathetic they all thought I was in trouble, was I in trouble? Did he figure out the letter was a lie? No one was ever called this early to heads office I must've done something really bad.

I walked behind the kid but at the end of the corridor he turned right

"Where are you going, office is this way" I told him pointing left

"I'm going home room, I wasn't told to stay with you" he shrugged then left I turned left and walked out of H block I turned right to go to the O block O for office, incase you were wondering I opened the door to the building and walked in, I was greeted by Ms Hurst

"Ahh Raven, good morning dear"

"Morning Ms Hurst" I answered she smiled

"Mr Peterson is in his office, he's waiting for you" she announced I nodded and walked to his office, I knocked on the door lightly

"Come in" he called I took a deep breath and opened the door mr Peterson was standing at his desk, he always did this to greet his students, or as he called them, guests, there were papers scattered all over his desk with a lamp and a few files his desk was mahogany it was beautiful

"Raven come in come in, this is Skylar" he was saying pointing to someone across his desk I turned to see a blond girl she had blue eyes and her hair was shoulder length she was wearing our school uniform, which consisted of maroon shirt with a red tie and grey pants or skirt, and black socks and shoes

"Hi" she greeted sticking her hand out for a shake I smiled and shook her hand

"Take a seat, both of you" Mr Peterson said, we did "now Raven Skylar is new to our school, and seen as though you are our top student I was hoping you could take Skylar under your wing" I nodded

"Sure sir, it would be my pleasure" I assured him calming down, knowing I wasn't in trouble ha Chloe, put that in your pipe and smoke it, I thought he smiled widely

"Great, Skylar is the daughter of one of my closest friends, she comes from America" he told me

"Wow great" I shrugged not knowing what else to say

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