Who am I chapter 19

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Hi guys, to all my readers Ramadan Mubarak so did you guess here's the answer

"Ok I got it" Shreya said we all turned towards her, she walked to a coffee table that wasn't there before then she she touched the table and a pen and notepad appeared she wrote something on the pad then signaled me over, I looked towards my dad, who just nodded so with a deep breath I walked to her she handed me the notepad I read it, it had a date written on along with a time '31 October 23:30'

"That's around half an hour before you got your powers, once you say the spell that's where you'll end up, no one will be able to see you not even your other self, go in check it out, find the person your fathers are talking about once you find him you say another spell, that will bring you back, do you understand?" I nodded "good, here" she started to walk back to the podium, she took the notepad from me, she turned a page then wrote something down, she ripped out the page and gave it to me "this spell will bring you back to the present, don't lose it" she warned, again I nodded she nodded to "are you ready?" She asked I shook my head no she smiled "good luck" she whispered then hugged me. After a long hug she let go but held my arm she guided me to the couch and I sat down she went to the podium to get the book it was opened to a page that read 'spell to go to the past' Shreya moved away standing in front of me but at a distance I looked down at the book, I took a deep breath then let it out slowly I took the page with the date written on it and put that under the spell then read

"Remove the chains of time and space

And make my spirit soar

Let these arms embrace

A time that was before" (taken from 'charmed')

a gush of wind swept through the attic I had to put a hand out in front of my face as I couldn't see through this wind, I felt like I was in the middle of a whirlwind, soon as it came though the wind stopped, I took my hands away. I was still in the attic sat down on the floor, but the things were different the attic was empty of people, no one was here but me, the book was now closed sat on the podium, looking dusty, I stood up off the floor, realizing the couch I was sat on wasn't there anymore, I also realized that the coffee table was gone too, but luckily in my hand I still held the spell that would take me home I put it in my pocket and quickly walked to the door, I tried to hold the handle but couldn't, my hand went straight through as if I was a ghost 'let my spirit soar' was a line I remembered from the spell

"Damn it" I whispered "how am I suppose to get down to the party?" I went to bang my head on the door with my eyes closed, but my head didn't meet wood, I opened my eyes and looked up, I could see the stairs that lead to the attic I stood up straight, I was in the attic again looking at the door, I had an idea, I put my hand on the door and my hand went straight through, if my hand went through, maybe I would go through the door, it was worth a shot, so I put my hand up again in front of me then moved it closer to the door and luckily my hand went through the door, so with a smile I slowly put my whole body through once through I checked myself, to make sure I was 'all' there, I patted myself down on my face, once satisfied that I was complete I started to walk down the stairs I saw Shreya coming out of her bedroom I gasped and quickly hid behind the wall, then laughed at myself as I remembered Shreya had said no one would be able to see me so I moved from my hiding place and carried on downstairs.

The party was in full swing, I saw my past self talking to Arimas, I saw Blake and Ruby too, this place bought so many memories it bought tears to my eyes, it felt like so long ago, I soon sniffed and wiped my tears away, I was here to do something. I started looking around, I looked at all the people no one looked out of place I knew I should've brought a camera with me, camera, that's it James had said that this person had been taking pictures, all I had to do was look for someone with a camera and that would be easy as Shreya had strictly said no cameras and her guests would have respected her wishes, so I started looking again. I didn't realize how long I had been here until the music switched off and Shreya announced it was nearly time for me to get my powers.

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