Who am I chapter 14

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Hi guys, here's the next chapter enjoy

Some of the beings got together at Shreya's place to discuss the new plan everyone was happy we came up with a plan but most were apprehensive when they were told someone had to be bait. Although they were assured they would be safe they were still scared. Mum wanted to be part of the meeting.

"So who wants to lure the Gild?" Shreya asked, everyone looked at each other, some discussed it amongst themselves, I got worried, if no one volunteered the plan would be a fail Shreya would never let me do this otherwise I'd have volunteered

"I'll do it" I turned to the voice and gasped when I saw my mum everyone seemed relieved but Shreya laughed lightly shaking her head

"You can't, Gild don't attack mortals, you need to be non human" Shreya shruugged

"Oh"my mum said looking embarrassed she sat down

"But thank you Zoya, it's amazing that a human wants to help save non humans" Shreya said, mum smiled she didn't seem embarrassed anymore. I nodded a smile towards Shreya as if to say thanks she just nodded back "anyone else?" Shreya asked "I mean come on people a human" she pointed at mum "just stepped up, a human that doesn't have the powers, nor need to take on a Gild but she still volunteered, she did it for you, if she can do it, so can you" Shreya finished people still looked at each other hoping someone else will do it

"I'll do it" a man, I'd never met before, said standing up "I'm a lycan" he told us

"NO!" Blake shouted also standing and walking over to the man that stood up "you can't Zain, I won't let you" Blake seemed upset the man, known as Zain, held him by the shoulders

"Blake, I have to, no one else wants to, someone has to" Zain explained

"No" Blake shook his head tears rolling down his cheeks "just because they're all chicken, doesn't mean you have to go, please Zain don't go" Blake cried glaring over Zain's shoulder at everyone else Zain smiled

"I'll be fine, Shreya promised" Zain looked towards Shreya who nodded towards Blake

"He will be protected with spells by all witches" she told him in a soothing voice Blake looked away looking at the floor Zain put his hand under his chin and lifted his tear streaked face, with a smile he wiped Blake's tears, Blake hugged him so tight, I thought he would break Zain In half

"I love you" Blake told him in a whisper

"I love you too" Zain answered as he let go "now you have to be strong ok?, like you were when dad died, you remember?" Zain told him Blake nodded as he sniffed

"Don't remind me, Zain, what happened to mum and dad won't happen to you" he said it sounding like a question directed at Shreya she shook her head no and Blake smiled

"What do I have to do?" Zain asked facing Shreya again, she explained his role to him and everyone listened, Blake seemed calm as he heard it knowing his brother would be fine.

Even though Zain had a lot of questions he was confident with the plan

"Good plan" his comment was directed at me I smiled looking down at my feet totally embarrassed I was a good planner but not good at taking compliments.

everyone then decided it was late, so decided to go home but Shreya believed it was safer in the house so it was decided that the witches would 'blink' all the beings to their homes.

The first witches left with beings, Arimas started to hiss and show his fangs uncle Tony growled too but they weren't hissing or growling at each other, no they were facing the window

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