Who am I chapter 8

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Nice long chapter this week, enjoy

I went home that night in Shreya's car I decided, well actually Shreya decided that my 'blinking' needed to be practised. We had also decided that we would tell my mum about the secret together next week we needed a day that mum was home I would invite her to dinner at Shreya's house.

"Mom I'm home" I shouted as I walked in

"In the kitchen" came my mums voice I smiled and walked into the kitchen

"Hey mum what you cooking" I asked it smelled great

"Pizza bolognaise" she answered my smile grew pizza bolognaise was my favourite she

made a bolognaise using ingredients from a pizza tomatoes, mushrooms, salami, sweetcorn, cheese basically anything you would find in a pizza

"How long before it's ready?" I asked

"Not long just ten minuites"

"Mum umm I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?" She asked giving me her full attention I looked at my feet and fiddled with my fingers

"Well it's just that umm well it's uhh Shreya she uhh well she just umm"

"Oh I get it, it's ok Ray I knew this day would come" she rubbed my arm up and down "you can go live with her it's fine, she ...."

"No mom I don't want to live with her" I cut her off whilst holding on to her shoulders she sighed I shook my head and smiled too "I wanted to say that Shreya wanted me to ask you to dinner at her house next time you're off work that's all" I laughed

"Well why didn't you say so you scared me" she told me putting a hand on her heart "and I would love too I'm off this Saturday?" She said

"Perfect I'll go call her" I said as I ran off to phone her whilst mum got back to cooking once planned it finally sunk in that mum would finally know about my secret I was nervous as well as excited I was also scared but at the same time I knew it would be ok it was very confusing.

School was ..... Different on Tuesday I didn't hang with Annie and Andrew I actually hung with Jen and that's it, it was good but not great it was fun but it wasn't Annie and Andrew, but I knew I had to get used it like Shreya said I would live for hundreds if not thousands of years and Annie and Andrew wouldn't that was upsetting. I got a lot of attention that week a lot of sorries from people around school but the bullies were happy and tried to bully me but hey I'm a witch, did I mention that so when Chloe struck so did the witch.

"Hey b***h where do you think you're going?" She shrieked as I was about to walk into my English class on Wednesday afternoon there was a crowd around us already as people wanted to get to class.

"Umm class?" I pointed towards the door on my left just behind me she scoffed and shook her head

"I know it was you that attacked me last year" now I scoffed

"Prove it" I challenged

"I had to cut my hair because of you" she told me I looked at her hair

"It grew back didn't it" she got into my face

"Meet me outside after school I want my revenge" I saw movement on my right I looked and saw Andrew moving forward to help me but I also saw Annie stopping him

"I'll be there" I told her, turned and walked into class I can't believe Annie did that but it was ok I didn't need there help.

After schol I went outside and saw a big crowed, there were more people here then there were inside in the corridor earlier the crowd parted looking down as I passed them to get to the middle, there was a chair, next to the chair stood Chloe holding an electric shaver

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