Who am I chapter 7

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I didn't go home that weekend I stayed with Shreya but she drove me home at eleven on Sunday night.

"Now remember your mum mustn't find out about this, you never know how she'll react" I nodded then left the car and went into my house.

"Mom I'm home" I shouted as I entered the dark living room the only light downstairs was from the the window I guessed that my mum was sleeping and went to bed myself hoping what happened Saturday morning, with the pancakes didn't happen again.

I woke the next morning after my alarm went off I got ready for school and went down for breakfast I couldn't smell pancakes so I breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the kitchen with an extra skip in my step.

"Morning mom, did you sleep well?"

"Mm morning Hun I slept fine how was your weekend?"

"It was good" I told her as I poured myself some cereal "the party was great I got some cool presents including a book on vampires." I smiled remembering the book Arimas gave me

"That's nice Hun I'm glad you had fun" my mum was saying as I sat down at the table ready to eat "so um Annie called on Saturday I told her you were at the party" I nearly choked on my cornflakes.

"You did WHAT" I shrieked "why did you tell her mom god!!!" I stood up putting my hands on my forehead

"I didn't know she wasn't to know sorry hunny" she told me as she walked to me and rubbed my arm

"No mom it's ok, it's fine I'll handle it, thanks for the warning though" I put my bowl in the sink, kissed my mum bye, got my bag and shoes and left for school it shouldn't be a problem right? She's my best friend I'm sure she'll understand I have nothing to worry about I told myself I entered the school grounds ten minuites later and spotted Annie and Andrew

"hey guys" I called they saw me and instead of smiling and answering me they walked away without a word as if they hadn't seen me, ok, I thought that was weird. I went to class and sat next to Annie "hey Ann" I said she gave me an evil look then stood and went and sat next to Todd at the front I slumped in my chair whilst the class looked at me then at Annie then started to whisper amongst themselves, great this was going to be the talk of the school for a week now. Oh no don't you go thinking I'm exaggerating we have never fallen out we've been friends since the beginning of time literally we were friends the first day we met in nursery that's kindergarten for you Americans (no offence to anyone). maybe I should talk to Andrew so I had to wait until lunch this was going to be a long morning. Now if someone put a gun to my head and asked me what I had learnt in lessons that morning I'd probably get shot as I didn't pay attention in any of my classes I knew my grades would drop but at the time I didn't care I needed to decide what I was going to say to my friends without revealing my secret this was going to be tough as we had no secrets this is why I kind of maybe understood why Annie was upset and angry with me I had to make this right.

Lunch finally came and I spotted Annie and Andrew an the bleachers outside I knew they would be there as we always ate here

"Hi guys, please can I talk to you?" I asked keeping my distance the few students that were there left I smiled at them as they passed me as a thank you I recognised them as people we had helped Annie and Andrew looked at each other then Andrew moved over a little signaling me to join them I showed a small smile knowing this was a step in the right direction I went and sat next to Andrew away from Annie as she was on the other side of Andrew.

"So talk" he said after a while I took a deep breath.

"Ok look I know why you guys are angry" Annie scoffed and shook her head " but you have to let me explain I mean we're friends right"

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