Who am I chapter 24

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Important info regarding this book at the end please read

Christmas was just around the corner and preparations were in full swing, Arimas would come by 'to help' when ever Skylar was around, but unfortunately she would move away from him every time he would come close. This upset Arimas a great deal but he wouldn't say a thing, so I decided to interfere

"Skylar wait" I stopped her going into the kitchen, after Arimas tried to flirt with her, I held onto her upper arm

"What's up?" She asked smiling

"What's going on between you and Arimas?"

"Nothing, he's just annoying me" she looked towards him and his eyes were full of hurt

"He really likes you, you know?"

"No he doesn't, and even if he did, no thanks"

"Why?" I asked in confusion

"He's evil, Ray, a vampire, he can't be trusted" she whispered I heard a noise behind us and turned to look, there was a smashed glass on the floor and I caught a glimpse of Arimas as he left the house I my be have been wrong but I think he heard what Skylar said

"Arimas, are you ok?" Shreya shouted as he banged the door shut. Shreya started to walk towards the front door but I stopped her

"I'll go, I know why he's upset" I told her as I glared at Skylar, she nodded and went back to wrapping a present. I ran out the door and looked around, I couldn't see Arimas anywhere a sigh left my lips "powers of the witches rise, take me to Arimas" I chanted as I closed my eyes.

I felt a gush of wind, when I opened my eyes I was outside a church, this confused me, I asked to be near Arimas, why would my powers bring me here, I decided to look around anyway the church was made of stone it was painted white. There was a cemetery adjacent to the church, I walked towards it I had always liked cemeteries as they held history, I loved reading the tombstones knowing they belonged to people who lived here long ago, just like me. I read names as I walked across the path

'Anna loom

Daughter, wife, mother

You shall always be loved


'Jessica wright

Wife, grandmother,

You will remain in our hearts


Then I gasped I saw the back of Arimas sitting in front of a tombstone,the tombstone read

'pope Frank,

Our beloved priest,

May you rest in peace. That's all I read when I realized Arimas was talking, and crying? Next to the grave, this made me wonder, Could vampires cry? I shuddered I walked closer, leaves crunched under my feet, Arimas stood, turned and stepped right in front of me, so fast I was surprised he didn't get whiplash he was standing a mere four centimeters from my face I gasped as the movement was sudden on his part, as I gasped I moved backwards but because the ground was uneven I fell back but strong arms grasped around my waist before I could hurt myself.

"Thanks" I whispered once I was upright, Arimas let go, stepped back, and nodded "you're bleeding" I told him as I saw blood trails running from his eyes all the way down to his chin. He looked confused for a second then seemed to understand as he wiped the blood away

"I'm fine" he tried to assure me

"Uh huh" I answered sarcastically he smiled.

"Vampires cry blood, when we cry our tears are blood" he explained I nodded in understanding

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