Who am I chapter 4

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hi guys here's the next chapter

this chapter is dedicated to caro_nightowl because she wrote a comment and voted for my story so thank you Caroline enjoy

We met practically everyday after school Shreya would come to the school, pick me up, take me to her house, we would talk, laugh, have fun, then she would take me home, I noticed unlike the first few times she didn't get upset when it was time for me to go home, I was grateful for that. Every night I read more of James's diary. There were more than one diary he had left a diary for every birthday although he wrote less and less through the years, then the last few months worth of pages of the last diary, I would've received for my sixteenth, were completely blank Shreya had said it was because he became ill he stopped writing.

Today was the day my life changed. Totally changed, it's now second of September, Shreya picked me up from school and drove me to her place she didn't talk at all I kept looking towards her she seemed nervous I had to ask what was wrong

"Shreya, what's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh nothing" she answered looking towards me for a split second then looking at the road

"Really?" I asked not really believing her she sighed

"We need to talk Raven.......just not here let's get home first?" I nodded we need to talk the words played in my head over and over again, you ask anyone in the world everyone knows that this phrase breaks relationships, I took a long breath and held it for a while trying to usher the tears away that were threatening to fall I blinked a few times hoping Shreya wouldn't see the tears, even though at first I didn't want to meet her I had actually grown to like her it was going to be hard saying goodbye. I thought we got on well together I still couldn't believe we would never see each other again I didn't want to believe it, a part of me even thought maybe she didn't want to say goodbye maybe, just maybe it was something else but the more sensible part knew it was the end I shouldn't have gotten close.

Soon we were at the house we quickly went in "would you like something to eat?" She asked as we walked into the living room I sat down on the sofa as I shook my head no she nodded and sat down Indian style next to me she had her elbow on the back of the sofa and her head leaning on her palm she spoke the phrase again

"we must talk about something" I nodded not being able to hold the tears anymore "ohh no honey don't cry it's nothing bad" she spoke as she hugged me I nodded it felt nice to be held by her even if it was for the last time I thought "oh trust me this is not the last time we hug" I let go of her

"How on earth do you do that" I shouted in a croaky voice as I let go of her

"Do what" she asked resuming her previous position

"I have a feeling you know exactly what I mean" I voiced as I folded my arms after facing her she smiled

"Please elaborate" she said, I narrowed my eyes at her, she was enjoying this way too much

"You always sound my thoughts, how? Surely we can't be thinking the same thing all the time, that is ridiculous" I told her, her smile grew

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about" she told me I furrowed my eyes in confusion, as she took her elbow away from the sofa and folded her hands in her lap using hand gestures as she spoke "your birthday is coming and I must talk to you before you're sixteen" I nodded as if to tell her to carry on "you are not what you think you are" she looked at me expectantly then she sighed what did she mean I'm not what I think I am, does that mean I'm not her daughter? I thought She looked at me quickly "no, no, no you are my daughter, that's not what I meant, oh god how do I say this?" she said the last part in a low voice like she was asking herself she took a breath then began again "I am a witch" she stated I looked at her with a wide mouth and then started laughing I was in tears, when I finally stopped laughing I looked at her she wasn't laughing I sobered up immediately.

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