Who am Ichapter 13

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Ok guys here's the next chapter, I know it's a little late, but hey it's still Wednesday in England.

The werewolves, vampires, fairies, and other beings were warned about the Gild his picture was sent out but we hadn't heard from him since that day I had seen him. We even asked the social services about him they assured us that this man had never worked for them I was also told that Mr Cooper was still my social worker and he was on holiday but he had assured them that I would be fine without a social worker until he got back but I was told if I needed a social worker they could send someone out I told them I would be fine that Mr Cooper was right I didn't need a social worker, they also told me that if I saw this man again I should contact the police, they also explained that if my social worker was ever going to change Mr Cooper would tell me first, he would introduce me to the new social worker, these were the rules.

Things became fairly normal over the next few weeks Mr Cooper came to visit after his holiday his boss had told him what had happened, he apologised immensely but Shreya and I both assured him he had nothing to apologise for, that it wasn't his fault. He seemed to relax a bit.

We had almost forgotten what had happened three weeks ago. There was a rapping on the door someone was knocking so much I thought they would break the door, Shreya got a knife then both of us went to open the door we were walking closely together worried, terrified I was shaking, Shreya walked in front holding the knife to her chest we opened the door a bit to see who it was but the person pushed it open, walked in, shut the door, and leaned against it I gasped as I recognised the person to be uncle Troy

"Who are you? What do you want" Shreya asked him but he was out of breath and because he didn't answer Shreya lifted the knife higher ready to stab him he tried to cower but I stopped her

"Mum, stop, this is uncle Troy" she looked at me confused "he's a werewolf" I told her she dropped the knife then sat next to him on the floor

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were, I thought you were a Gild"

"It's okay" uncle Troy laughed but his voice was strained like he was in pain

"What happened, uncle Troy" I asked sitting next to Shreya

"I was attacked, by a Gild" he told us holding his chest in pain. His face was badly bruised, his right eye barely open he was keeping the weight off his left leg so I assumed it was also hurting

"Come on let's get you to the sofa" Shreya said

"You can't lift him mum, he's to heavy" I told her as both of stood

"Well I'm a witch" she stated smugly "I'm a witch, give me strength to pick up this were" she said before she slid one arm behind his neck and the other behind his knees then she lifted him like she was lifting a baby she didn't even look as though she was struggling she walked to the living room, I went in front of her and opened the door for her she nodded a thank you then walked him to the sofa and lay him down he said a thank you

"Mum can we get rid of his injuries?, you know with a spell?" I asked worried, Shreya shook her head

"Our powers don't work on injuries, unless it's our own" she explained, my shoulders sagged how could I help my uncle "but there is someone who can help" she told me I looked at her expectantly, she turned to uncle Troy "but you're not going to like it" she told him

"Who mum, who?" She looked at me "Arimas" she said

"Who's that?" Uncle Troy asked

"He's a vampire" I told him with a smile

"Hah, no chance, there's no way I'm letting him near me, forget it" uncle Troy struggled to say

"What's the problem, uncle? If he can help you, why not?" I asked

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