Who am I chapter 25

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We stayed up pretty late that night Arimas stayed and talked with Shreya whilst Skylar and I spoke. At around one in the morning Shreya decided it was bedtime so after saying goodnight to everyone she went to bed

"Will you please blink me home?" Skylar asked

"Sure lets go" I answered as I held her hand

"I'll leave too" Arimas stated

"Oh where will you sleep?, want me to blink you?"

"I don't sleep, I'm a vampire, and no thanks I'll walk it's faster" he winked I let go of Skylar a plan forming in my mind

"So where will you go?" I asked walking closer he squinted as if to sum me up

"The church" he answered although it sounded like a question

"Can I come" I asked overly excited he laughed and nodded "yes, come on Sky let's go" I called over my shoulder

"You go on, I think I'll go home" she stated

"Well who's going to take you home, it's late Sky you can't go by yourself, let's go with Arimas for a while cemeteries are cool at night, I thought you liked horror, wait, you're not scared are you? If you are I'll take you home"

I'm not scared" she shrieked "I love cemeteries at night, I'm coming with you" she stated before walking to me and linking our hands together, I winked at Arimas who just smiled, reverse psychology, works every time.

Skylar and I blinked to the cemetery whilst Arimas 'walked' he still got there before us he was casually leaning on the doors of the church when we got there

"What took you guys so long, I was about to call a search party" he asked I laughed sarcastically

"Har de ha" I said using my hands

"Come on I'll introduce you to priest Nicholas" Arimas stated as he started to walk towards the graves

"So who's he? A human you murdered?, was he your first kill?" Skylar taunted Arimas looked angry but before he or I could say anything Skylar shrieked falling down to her knees she covered her ears but didn't stop screaming

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Arimas shouted to me over skylarks screaming

"I DIDNT DO THIS I THOUGHT YOU DID?" I announced to which Arimas just shook his head

"Sh*t" I whispered I ran to her and tried to calm her down, there was blood coming from her ears this scared me" oh my god, Skylar stop screaming, what's wrong?" I tried asking but she didn't stop screaming, nor did she answer me the blood kept dripping it wasn't fast just a few drops every second but at the time it looked like a lot, she screamed for about five minutes

"IM SORRY, IM SORRY ARIMAS, PLEASE, please stop" she whispered the last part as she stopped screaming she leaned forward leaning her weight on her hands she breathed heavily, like she had just ran a marathon

"Are you ok?, what happened?" I asked concerned She gave Arimas an evil glare then looked at me with soft eyes

"Arimas has a guardian angel, who doesn't like it when I say bad things about him, he couldn't hurt me before because he wasn't powerful but here, on the church ground he's very powerful" she gained enough strength to stand up with my support "I'm truly sorry Arimas, I know you're not evil, evil beings don't have guardian angels" Arimas nodded

"Come sit on the stairs, I think it's about time I tell you how I became a vampire"

"You mean you weren't always a vampire?" Skylar asked to which Arimas shook his head.

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