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Max's POV
       We step into the house at 9:30. It's quiet.
"We're back." I say
No answer.
"Julia?" I call
No answer. I wander into the living room, I find her asleep on the couch. I smile. Harvey steps into the living room.
"She fell asleep." He says
"Yeah." I say
"You should get her home." Mum says
I nod.
"I'll take her back." I say
"Do you even know where she lives?" Harvey asks
"I'll figure it out." I say
I gently shake Julia, her eyes flutter open.
"Julia, it's time for you to go home." I whisper
"Already?" She asks
"Yeah it's 9:30." I say
"Oh. I'm sorry." She says
"No, no. It's fine." I say
She stands up and stretchers.
"Tilly's wonderful." She says
I nod.
"I'll walk you home." I say
"Ok." She says

      We walk side by side down the street together.
"We played Dollie all night." Julia says and laughs
"That's Tilly." I say
"Sorry about earlier.." she says
"It's fine." I say
"Here. I'll give you my number if I need to babysit again." Julia says
She writes her number on a piece of paper.
"Thanks." I say
I give her my number and Harvey's. We stop at a house.
"This is mine." She says
"Nice house." I say.
"Thanks.." she says
"Hey Julia! Who's that hottie?" Someone yells from her house.
I look over and see a girl sticking her head out the window. I look at Julia, her face goes red.
"Bye Max." She says and runs up the driveway.
"Wait Julia!" I say
She doesn't stop. She slams the front door shut.
"Call me hottie!" The girl says
I shake my head and run back up the road.
Julia's POV
      I lay in bed the next morning. I hate Ashley. I entered Max and Harvey's number into my phone last night before I went to bed. My door opens.
"Get up b*tch." Ashley says
I roll my eyes and sit up. I move for my closet.
"So who was that hottie? I thought you were only babysitting last night." She says
"I was. It's the girls older brother. He offered to walk me home." I say
"Ok, but who is he?" Ashley asks
"Why do you care?" I ask
She doesn't answer. I put t-shirt and leggings on. I pull my hair into a ponytail. I put some makeup on and head downstairs. Ryan and Dylan sit at the table. I sit down across from them.
"Where were you last night?" Dylan asks
"Babysitting." I say
Dylan nods. Ashley comes down a minute later. She sits down next to me.
Then the doorbell rings. I get up to get it. Harvey stands in the doorway.
"Hey." I say
"Hey." He says
"Hey hottie." Ashley says
I roll my eyes. Harvey ignores her.
"Wanna go somewhere?" He asks
"Sure." I say
I run upstairs and grab my phone. I rush back down.
"Dad I'm going out." I say
"Ok!" He says
I follow Harvey down the driveway. Max waits for us.
"Oh hey." I say
"Hey." He says
"We're meeting Colin in the park wanna come?" Harvey asks
"Colin?" I ask
"Yeah. What's wrong with Colin?" Max asks
"N-n-nothing." I say
"Ok then. Let's go." Harvey says

We walk to the park together. Colin stands there waiting for us.
"Oh hey Julia." Colin says
"Hey.." I say
"So what are we doing today?" Harvey asks
"Actually there's one more person who's coming." Colin says
"Who?" Max asks
"Hey hotties!" Someone says
I groan and turn around. Ashley.
"What's she doing here??" I ask
"What am I doing here? Colin invited me! Cause didn't you know? We're dating!" Ashley exclaims
"You're secretly dating my ex boyfriend?!" I yell
As soon as I say it I regret it and cover my mouth.
"Ex boyfriend??" Max asks

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