Twenty Three

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"FINE what?" I ask
"You're just ignoring me. Please tell me what's going on." Max says
I just stare at my feet.
"Julia?" Max asks
I don't answer.
"Julianna." Max states
I don't answer again.
"Annie!" Max yells
"Don't call me that." I say
Max sighs. I feel tears lining my eyes. I let them drip down my face. I hear Max talking to someone, then he moves. Someone else slides into my seat.
"Julia are you okay?" A kind voice asks
I look over and see Colin looking at me. I shake my head and let the tears start coming. Colin puts his arm around me.
I look at Colin.
"I don't think me and Max should be together." I say
Colin's face softens.
"Why not?" He asks
"I don't think I have feelings for him. I ignore him. I hide from him. He deserves more." I say while still crying
Colin nods.
"It will be okay." He says
I nod.

    When we get to school I power off the bus and into the building. I see Cassie at her locker. I walk over to her.
"Julia! Are you okay? I heard what happened." Cassie says
"I'm fine." I say
"Are you sure?" She asks
"I think I need to break up with Max. He deserves more. I ignore him, I hide from him. I'm not the one." I say
"Oh Julia. I'm so sorry." Cassie says
"It's fine." I say
Someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around, Max.
"I heard what you told Colin." He says
"Max I'm sorry. But you deserve more then me." I say
"No Julia. No we are not breaking up." Max says
"Yes Max. We are." I say
"No." max says
"Yes!" I yell
Max grabs my face and kisses me. I push him away.
"I'm done. Goodbye Max." I say
I walk away and into the bathroom. I start crying all over again.

         The rest of the day I avoid Max. He tries to talk to me but I just walk away. When I get home I collapse on my bed. My phone starts ringing, I pick it up.
"Hello?" I ask
"It's Harvey." I hear
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Yes. I'm sure. Can you meet me in the park? Please?" Harvey asks
"Fine. But Max better not be there." I say
"He won't I promise." He says
"Ok." I say
"Thanks. Meet there in 5." He says

      I walk into the entrance to the park. I see Harvey sitting by himself on a bench. I walk over to him.
"Hey." I say
"Hey." He says
I sit down.
"What's up?" I ask
"Max is really upset." Harvey says
I sigh.
"Why did you break up? You could've worked things out." Harvey says
"Maybe I'm just not ready for that type of relationship." I say
"What do you mean?" He asks
"Max is a great guy. But when you date's like he's there 24/7 and maybe I'm just not ready for that." I say
Harvey nods like he understands.
"I get it. Max is clingy. I do understand." Harvey says softly
I nod.
"Well I should get going. Thanks for talking." Harvey says
I nod. I watch him walk away. I sigh and walk home.

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