Twenty Six

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I pace around the kitchen, Ryan and Ashely watch me pace.
"Okay what's going on. This is crazy." I say
I remember perfectly what happened in the past hour and a half but now only a few people know what happened, and it's like it didn't even happen. I sigh.
"Maybe it's the Mandela effect." Ryan suggests
"That doesn't exist Ryan stop it." Ashely says
All of the sudden something bright appeared in front of me.
"What the hell!!" I yell
Ryan and Ashely rush over next to me. We watch the bright glowing light. Then it shows something. It shows me laying on the ground when I fell. I see someone in a hood come over to me and stick something in me.
"What the hell.." Ryan says
The hooded guy runs away. Then it shows Max running down the road, but another hooded guy stops him. He sticks the needle in Max too. The white light disappears.
"What the hell was that?!" I yell
"It showed what happened. They must've erased part of Max's memory." Ashley says
"Ok but then how come I can still remember everything?" I ask
"Maybe that needle was to heal you." Ryan suggests
"None of this makes sense. It's not logical!" I yell
"Julia calm down." Ryan says
I take deep breaths. All of the sudden the door bursts open. Jack stands in the doorway.
"Yes?" I ask
"Are you okay?" He asks
"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask
"I just this strange feeling like something was wrong." He states
"What?!" I yell
"Yeah." He says
"This isn't logical!!" I yell
"What?" He asks
"Something just appeared in front of us and shows us something weird! None of this makes sense!!!" I scream
"Julia-" Ryan starts
"No!!! This doesn't make sense! I need to clear my head." I say walking to the door
I slip out and walk to the park. I collapse down on a bench. I throw my head in my hands, I take deep breaths. I start to feel the tears come. Then I feel a hand on my back, I jump, but then I realize it's only Max.
"Oh. Sorry." I say wiping my eyes
"What's wrong?" He asks sitting down on the bench with me.
"Everything." I say
Max gives me a confused look.
"Only a few people know what happened in the past 2 hours. And something weird just happened." I say
"What?" He asks
"A bright light appeared in my kitchen. It showed me on the ground and someone putting a needle in me. Then you running down the street and then someone puts a needle in you too." I say
Max gives me another confused look. I sigh.
"I just don't know what happened that made us come back to this point in time." I say
"Maybe this a parallel universe." Max says
I shake my head. Max shrugs. He slides closer to me, I look over at him. I look into his eyes. I see hope, sadness, forgiveness in them. I lean closer, then we kiss.

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