Twenty Four

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The next day I avoid Max pretty well. I still felt bad though. As I was walking home from school, I felt someone following me. I stopped and turned around, Max was behind me. I didn't say anything and kept walking. I started to feel uncomfortable, I just kept walking. I stared to slow down when we neared Max's house. He walked up his driveway without a word, I watched him. When he almost reached the door I kept going to my house. I entered my house quietly. No one was home.
"Hello?" I called just to make sure.
No answer. I sighed and walked up to my room. I set my bag down and collapsed at my desk. But I started to hear a noise from downstairs. It kept going, I got up and listened from my door. It sounded like someone trying to get it. I thought for a moment, my dad doesn't get home until 5. It's only 3:30. Ashely and Ryan have a key to get in, Dylan has a key too. Kelly doesn't come home until 6:30. Who could it be? Then the banging starts, I back away from my door. Run I tell myself. I jiggle the window open. It opens, I grab my phone and stuff it in my pocket. I look down below the window, I'm on the 2nd floor. All of the sudden I hear the door burst open, I hear footsteps. I get onto the window sill. Someone jiggles my bedroom door. I jump.
I land on my side. I shake it off and start running. I peak around the house, there's a white van in the driveway. My eyes widen, I run down the driveway. I run down the road, I stop at Max and Harvey's house. I take a deep breath and run up their driveway. Colin's house will take to long to get to. I bang on the door. It swings open.
"Julia?" Max asks confused
"I'll explain later let me in." I state
Max let's me in. He shuts the door, I go over and lock it.
"Julia, what's going on?" Max asks
I pull the shades closed.
"Someone broke into my house. I think they were going to kidnap me." I say
"What?!" Max exclaims
"White van, I don't know what the people looked like. I jumped from my window." I say
I pull my phone out and text the family.

Me: don't go home! Kidnapper or robber at the house, dead serious. I'm at Max and Harvey's."

Ashely: what??

Me: I'm not kidding.

Ryan: are you okay

Dylan: How did you get out?

Me: I jumped from my window

Ashley: that's like... 10 ft up! Are you okay?

Me: I'm fine! Just don't go home.

Dylan: okay.

Ryan: got it

    I put my phone away. I sigh. Max stares at me. I look at my feet.
"Look, I'm sorry about the other-" I get cut off
There's banging at the door. My eyes widen.
Max looks through the peep hole.
"I don't know who it is." He whispers
"Come on." I say and pull him upstairs.
I shove him into his bedroom. I close the door. The banging continues.
"I KNOW YOUR'RE IN THERE!" Someone yells
I shove the window open.
"What are you?-" I cut Max off
"It's the only way out." I say
"It's like 5ft up." Max says
"So?? I jumped out of a 10 ft drop. Come on Max." I say
"You jump first." He says
"No you go." I say
"No-" I cut him off again
"Max. Go first." I state
He nods. He jumps onto the window sill. I hear the door bang open.
"Max go!" I yell
He jumps. He lands on his feet.
"Max run!" I yell
"No-" he starts
"MAX RUN!" I yell
He starts running. I get onto the window sill. The door handle jiggles. The door opens. I look behind me. The person goes for me, I scream and jump.

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