My bad boy?

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Chapter 1




"Ugh what is that damn noise ugh" I said I opened my eyes and I remembered first day of school damn I want to sleep I got up out of

bed and brushed my long brown hair grabbed some clothes and went to go take a shower I stopped in front of the bathroom mirror and

looked at myself I mean I wasn't ugly but I wasn't exactly gorgeous ether I was just average I guess but I love my light brown hazel eyes

anyway after I got out of my shower I pulled on a black skirt with a yellow gold top with a brown belt with my cute black flats that had a bow on top

I went down stairs to my mom " destiny you better hurry up and eat before you are late to your first day at high school as a freshman"

"Yes mom I will just have a pop tart to go" I said then there was a beep from my friend jade waiting to take us to school " I love you

mom gotta go jade is waiting bye" I said mom waved bye right as I went out the door jade was one of my gorgeous friends her long

black straight hair and her brown eyes I have always wondered why she was friends with me "destiny we have gotta go get your ass in

the car and stop thinking" she said then I stopped thinking and got my ass in the car damn she knows me so well anyway we had to go

just when we were almost there I got a text on my phone from my babe god I love him anyway it said "

baby where are you I am at the front of the school hurry up the bell is about to ring"

I replied saying " me and jade are almost there k love you"

He didn't reply damn Eddie really you always reply back when I say love you the hell something is up

Any way me and jade arrived with 10 minutes to spare " where is Eddie? " jade asked

" I have no idea he texted me saying he was at the front god damn him he lied to me again ugh!" I said

This isn't the first time he lied he was somewhere when he really wasn't and I have no Idea why I am still with him really

" ok that's it destiny you need to dump his ass when you see him and find someone else k" jade said

" ok" I said " I think he is just using me I am going to find him see you in class k"

" k text me what happened good luck see ya girl" jade replied she left so I went around the corner and I saw Eddie kissing the slut of the

school Bridget I just stared then screamed " what the hell do you think you are doing Eddie I am your damn girlfriend you know what

we are over bye loser by the way you were soooooo not cute anyway I just felt bad for you!" I ran away tears in my eyes I had to find

jade I turned the corner and ran into none other then the hottest freshman in the school jake millar sexy short brown hair beautiful grey eyes that i could stare at for days.... what what an i doing he is my best friend for crying out loud and he wasn't a jerk really he was nice and caring and thats when i started liking jake

" what's wrong destiny why are you crying" he said we are best friends so i had to tell him what happened

" Eddie was kissing...... Bridget" he looked at me worriedly he was a good friend

" do I need to kick someone's ass today?" He asked and I replied " yes" he nodded at me and ran to find Eddie how could I have fell in

love with a douche bag like him so I ran after jake

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