Me a werewolf?

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Chapter 7

Destiny's POV

I heard music sad music playing but

how am i hearing sad music the fuck

' well one cause your in a car and two cause your ok and not hurt'

Bella said

' Bella why am i in a car and what do you mean im not hurt i fell down 3 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!' I said

' ok calm down and ill explain' she said

so then i decide not to yell at her

' ok so we are a special kind if werewolf called element werewolf so even if you havent transformed you can heal really fast faster then regular werewolfs and when you transform it wont hurt that bad like its suppose to you will be fast and strong when you transform that is why you are with jake the alpha because you have alpha blood and you and jake are a special kind of werewolfs but jake wont find out till 3 days on your birthday now you have to wake up so jake knows you are ok talk to ya later des bye'

she said then i felt her leave i decide to

try to move my arm i felt it move so

then i decide to open my eyes i opened

them and saw i was in jakes car he

pulled over and stopped then car then

said " destiny! OMFG are you ok? Does your head hurt?!"

I stared at him deciding if I should tell him what happened but decided not to so then I spoke "jake I'm fine and no my head does not hurt k so calm down"

I touched his arm and I felt the spark

again to calm him down which I think

worked cause I felt him to calm down

then I said " so jake when were you going to tell me I'm a werewolf, and your mate and that you are an alpha?"

He stared at me dumbfounded then he



Hey guys I decided to do another cliff hanger now she is ok and in the next chapter everything will be explain and then there will be new pov but who lol anyway hope you enjoyed thanks for reading bye ps sorry for the short chapter a long one will came soon

Love, Destiny

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