His reaction?

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Chapter 20

Destiny's POV

" Jake I'm pregnant!"

He stands up and comes up to me gives me a kiss and he grabs my waist and picks me up and spins me around then puts me down he pulls me into a hug and then he pulls back and smiles at me his eyes sparkle then he speaks " babe that is great we will have a little pup around I love you so much"

he touches my stomach then kisses me hand and places my hand on my stomach but then I notice I already have a stomach

" um babe I have a bump already how is that possible?" I ask jake

he says " babe it's because you are a alpha so you will have are baby sooner then others so don't worry it's natural"

I smile then jump into his arms he catches me as gives me a kiss on my head and my eyes start to get droopy and he gives me a kiss on my head again and says" babe go to sleep you are tired you need the rest"

I shake my head but he sets me down on the bed anyway he lays down beside me I move up to his chest and fall asleep to his slow heavy breathing

jakes POV

I Can't believe I am going to be a father I feel a huge grin appear on my face

I start playing with destiny hair will I hear her slow steady breathing I see her face she looks so cute when she is sleeping the way her hair spreads everywhere around her and the way her chest moves up and down from her breathing

I grab her close to my chest and feel her warmth I know the baby will be so beautiful I love her so much I feel asleep thinking about the baby with destiny sleeping in my arms


Hey guys sorry if the chapter is too short but this story is about to come to an end but there will be a sequel for sure I promise anyway thanks for reading until next chapter guys


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