Trouble with the bad boy?

136 6 1

Chapter 4

POV Destiny

Hey, I just met you,

And this is crazy,

But here's my number,

So call me, maybe!

It's hard to look right

At you baby,

But here's my number,

So call me, maybe!

I opened my eyes to my iPhone ringing telling me i got a text from jake i slowly got out of bed and grabbed my iPhone unlocked it to see the text i got

me: ok and i love you too see you when you get here<3

i locked my iPhone and got out of bed

grabbed a towel and got in the shower 5

mins later i got out of the shower went

to my room to grabbed some clothes i

grabbed my white strapless dress with

colorful flowers on it at the ends then i

grabbed my brown gladiators went

back in my bathroom brushed my

teeth got out my curling iron wait for it

to heat up then curled my hair in loose

curls put on some light simmer pink

lip gloss then some mascara then i

grabbed my iPhone and went down

stairs when i got to the bottom step my

door bell rang i went to the door but

before i could open it something in my

mind told me something ' destiny don't

the door its danger' my mind said ' ok

mind how do you know' i asked ' ok

first my name is not MIND its Bella

and second i know cause i am your wolf and i know the things'

she replied ' wolf the fuck omg my mom has some serious explaining to do

so Bella what should i do then'

but just as i asked that i heard a bang

outside i looked out of my window to

see jake punching the person that i

think was outside my door then all of a sudden jake turned into a chocolate brown wolf with his beautiful chocolate eyes holy crap what just happened then my front door was kicked from its door frame and there stood.........

----------------------------------------------hey guys look I know people hate cliff hangers but especially me but hey it had to I got writers block oops and way look out for chapter 5 it will explain

a lot

Love, Destiny

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