Team up?

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Chapter 18

Destiny's POV

finally I get out if this damn hospital and get to go home but why do I all of a sudden want jake like now and it is so hot in here I think for a minute and I feel my eyes widen " JAKE!" I screamed

he comes in running sniffs the air and he looks at me and says " destiny why did you call me if you are in heat I am going to want you get out of her and find David stay with him until it stops ok babe"

I saw the lust in his eyes I grab my stuff and head to my car that jake brought here so I could drive home I head towards David's house and pull up in his drive way I took off my seat belt and grabbed my stuff I headed towards the door David came thorough the door and hugged me to death he put me down and said

"girl you had me scared for a minute there but what are you doing here"

I saw him sniff the air and I saw him looking at me and pulls me into a hug again he lets me go and pulls me through the door and sits me on the couch Danny comes into the living room and when he sees me he runs to me and pulls me into a bone crushing hug hen he lets me go and goes into the kitchen I follow to get some food I look at Danny and say " is it ok if I get some food?"

he nods his head and I open the freezer and get a hot pocket in the microwave and put it in for 2 mins and go back into the living room to wait once it is finished I take it out and eat it I finish eating my pizza hit pocket when the door bell rings I go up to the door and open it I see jake standing there with sadness on his eyes he says

" babe I am so sorry for telling you to leave I was just not thinking clearly I love you are you mad at me babe?"

I thought for a moment am I mad nope I'm not so I did the one thing I wanted to do since I saw him I jumped into his arms and started to kiss him like no tomorrow he carries me into the house closes the door and sits me on the couch he moves to my neck starts kissing it I feel him pull away and look at me with pledging eyes I nod my head and he goes back to my neck and I feel his canines go into my neck and I scream but then moan in pleasure he let's go and licks my neck to close the wound and we go back to kissing when we hear a crash in the kitchen I got up and ran into the kitchen to see Danny in pain then I see him run out of the kitchen and out the door I use my werewolf speed and catch up with him and I see him kneeling down beside a bloody body I see it's brad oh no not brad I feel someone behind me I turn an see Ben and Bridget what the fuck are they doing here I see Ben in tears I look at him and say

" come with me everyone into the house NOW!"

I used my alpha voice and they ran towards the house I go in and say

" Sit your asses down on that couch and don't say a word until I say so!"

I Stand in front of them and say " ok guys so brad is dead so I think we need to join forces with each other cause I feel there are vampires near here I smelt them in the forest if you know anything speak NOW!" I used my alpha voice

David stands up and says " how they he'll did you know about the vampires anyway the vampires are Noah and his wife blinne they want to eliminate werewolf's from earth so there will only be vampires please don't be mad at me if I knew this would happen I would have told you"

He sits down and I say " it's ok David you didn't know they would do this now I am pissed so I need jake and Ben up here NOW NO QUESTIONS!" I used my alpha voice of course

they ran up in front of me scared for the life's I clear my throat and they look up and me as I say " ok so do you guys agree with me about joining forces so we can take down these damn vampires from wiping out our entire existent so you better decide what is best for the packs not your selves SPEAK NOW!" i used my alpha voice again

They look at each other but before they could answer Jake mind link me ' babe you are so hot acting like an alpha damn' I reply ' yeah I know now answer the damn question sweetie!' I shut off mind link

then they spoke in unison " fine we will join forces to stop vampires from killing us all " I smiled and then went on the couch and laid down I feel the couch dip and I look up to see jake I move up to his chest I fall into a dreamless sleep cause the love of my life is here to protect me


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter sorry if it felt you had to wait forever anyway hope it was worth the wait next chapter there will be Romance and action so look forward to that so thanks for reading this chapter

Love, Destiny❤️😘🌕🐕

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