The enemy is helping us?

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Chapter 13

David's POV

I watched as jake laid next to destiny I

wonder why she shifted now maybe it's

because of the stress I don't know for

sure but I am sure we will find out soon

so I moved towards jake to picked

destiny up but jake saw me and

growled warning me to stay away he

got up from where he laid and shifted

back to his human form i saw him go to

a hollow tree and took out some

basketball shorts he went back to

destiny and picked her up but as he

picked her up I heard moans the fuck I

let it go and went back to the house I

went through the door and saw destiny

shifted but she was passed out oh no

not again


( 2 weeks later )

Destiny still hasn't woken up yet jake

hasn't ate anything since she shifted

today is her birthday and she is asleep

I went up to jake to give him so


" Jake you need to eat you haven't ate for 2 weeks you look like crap you need to eat then sleep I she moves I will wake you up ok just please eat?" I pleaded

he responded with a yawn " fine I will eat and sleep but if you don't wake me up before destiny wakes up I will hurt you got it?!" I gulped and nodded he

took the plate and ate greedily then he

laid down by destiny and wrapped his

arms around her waist He was Asleep

I heard a light knock and opened it and

saw Bridget the fuck is she doing here I

got my answer

" I am here to help you Eddies pack is planing to steal destiny from Eddie then kill her pack " she said

I wanted to slap her but she is a girl so

can't unfortunately so

I said " and how am I suppose to believe you and why are you crying?"

i saw tears falling down her face and saw her hold her stomach and she replied " hormones I'm pregnant and have destiny tell she can tell when someone is lying right?"

I thought and Bridget is right she can

" she can but she is passed out ever since she shifted do you know how to wake her up?" I asked

she thought for a moment and Said " yeah did jake kiss her?"

I faced palm myself for not thinking about that so I told her " stay here I will be right back"

I walked into the house and saw jake

awake I walked over to him and said " jake I think I know how to wake destiny up"

his face light up ad he asked " how can I?"

I looked him In the eye and said " true loves kiss like sleeping beauty it should work"

he thought then walked over to destiny

sleeping so peaceful he grabbed her

hand and kissed her then she opened

her eyes.....


Hey guys sorry for the late chapter and the cliff hanger but ya thanks for reading bye

Love, destiny

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