Oh my god

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Chapter 16

jakes POV

i came down stairs to see destiny holding her neck that was bleeding then passing out i ran to her and saw claw marks and red finger prints i used my speed and picked her up from the couch and got out the door to the car and got her into the passengers seat buckled her in her seat and got the other side of the car got inside closed the door and started the car i sped out of the driveway and headed

toward the hospital i texted david told him to meet us at the hospital

i got half way there and saw her neck wasn't healed yet so i decide to speed up a little bit faster i got to the front of the hospital and got out of the car and got to the other side of the car and opened the car door and grabbed destiny and carried her bridal style and went toward the door came up to the front desk where a young lady was sitting and said " excuse me miss but i need a doctor for my girlfriend her she is bleeding to death and needs immediate attention please!"

she looked at me and eye raped me then asked " what is her name and yours sexy boy?" you could hear disgust in her voice and sexiness in her voice at the same time so i said with venom in my voice " my GIRLFRIENDS name is destiny valentine and my name is jake millar so can you please stop eye raping me and get me the DAMN DOCTOR!" she looked taken back because i used my alpha voice cause i was getting pissed with this girl but she had a doctor by our side in a second finally slut took you long enough the doctor asked " ok so tell me what you saw happened?"

i thought for a moment and said " i came down stairs from my room when i heard her screaming and so i ran down stairs and saw her holding her bloody neck and then she passed out so i ran to her and looked at her neck and saw claw marks and red finger prints on her neck and i saw nobody there no windows open and the door wasn't open and thats what happened"

the doctor touched his chin and grabbed her out of my arms and on to the gurney and rolled her into a room and i knew that the doctor is a werewolf because he is in my pack so he knew that if he told me to get out i would hurt someone so i walked in with them and they got her onto the bed and i grabbed her hand and she hasn't woke up yet even though she is a werewolf i don't understand what is going on i didn't know that i was lost in thought until i heard the doctor drake cleared his throat and said " jake she was hurt during her dream not in real life because she wasn't sleeping next to her mate cause she is a special kind of werewolf like you but since she is a girl she always has to sleep next to her mate if it happens next time she could die if the dream is so bad and she doesn't wake up in time so i will leave and you stay near her until she wakes up and remember what i said it will help" then he left the room

i grabbed a chair and set it next to destiny's bed and held her hand i lend down to kiss her hand then forehead then kissed her on the lips i felt her lips move with mine then her other hand went to my hair as she deepen the kiss i knew she wanted to go far but i had to stop cause we are in a hospital but i couldn't pull away i was drawn to her lips her soft plump pink lips i grabbed her cheek and deepen the kiss even more but before i could do anything the door opened and there stood the person i so did not want to see and i know destiny didn't want to ether cause she gasped...


hey guys how have you been sorry it took me so long to update i was dealing with being sick and then school and other things and ya but i am back now so sorry if you think this chapter is short but i wanted to update so ya hope you like it please comment and tell me what you think it would help a lot so thanks for reading see you next chapter

love, destiny

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