The end

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Chapter 21

Jakes POV

My baby is about to have the baby she just hit the 6 months mark she has gotten big but she is still my baby I love her so but ugh if only she knew what really happened that night.....

( flash back)

I was standing in the middle of the dance floor just standing I saw this girl with short brown hair with blonde highlights she was dancing with a guy taller then her I saw love in her and his eyes

I envied them I could never get someone as beautiful as her I am to much of a freak I saw her leave the guy to go to the bar I followed her I grab a drink and a pill and put it in her drink

Then I talked to her then switched the drinks she went back to the guy. Almost falling over they went upstairs and I followed I know what they are doing I got pissed and waited till I didn't hear anything

When I knew they were asleep I opened the door and took her out of the room and with me

The next day she woke up scared and frightened I told her we slept together and she was ok with it a week after she got sick i knew she was pregnant but I gave her an abortion pill without her knowing

she lost his baby and he tried to contact her but I told him she didn't want to see him anymore she is happy with me and to leave her alone then he left

(end of flash back)

I wish it never happened but it did so I have to live with it "ahhhhhhhh" shit that's destiny "babbbbbbbbbe it's coming now!" Shit I have to take her to the hospital now till next time journal



Hey guys sorry if it sucks and got the long wait but I will be doing sequal I promise just be patient ok thanks till next time

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