A baby?

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Chapter 19

Jake's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon I opened my eyes slowly and saw my mate was not by me I smelt the air and then I caught her scent in the kitchen mmm strawberries and cherries god I love her scent it is like a drug to me

I go down to the floor and crawl to the kitchen and when I am about to put my arms around her she turns around and says " babe were you trying to scare me?" as she lifts up one eyebrow god that looked cute

she was now lifting her head to see my face because she is so short but it's cute with her being short with her brown hair and her hazel eyes god just everything about her is cute I hear her clear her throat which brings me out of my thoughts I said " no baby I just want to be near you and hold you"

She looked at me with lust in her eyes but I went away I guess she wanted to finish breakfast before something would happen even though I would not do anything I mean she is still in heat and she is not in the Right state of mind so I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me gave her a kiss then let go and walk away tot the couch but not before I could hear her say "tease"

Destiny's POV

I could not concentrate on the food because I could smell jake his scent was blueberries It smells so good once I finished our breakfast I made mine and jake's plate and sat them on the table then I said " Jake time for breakfast!"

I saw him get up and run to the table and he sat beside me and ate his food once we were done eating I cleaned up the kitchen and went to lay down on the couch with jake but I was pulled down on to the couch then jake got on top of me and started to kiss me

I had to process what was going on then our lips were moving in sync with each other he moved down to my neck and started to suck and kiss my neck then he looked at me and I have him a look not now then said " when we get home we can"

He gave me a look but then said " baby we are home" I looked at him and nodded then we made love 3 times yeah we kind of needed it after I laid down with jake and fall asleep on his chest

( 2 weeks later )

I was waiting outside the bathroom for the result of the pregnancy test jake was holding my hand and kissing my hand

my phone beeped and told me the test is done I give jake a kiss and go into the bathroom I look on the mirror and see the mark jake have me when he marked me it was wolfs howling at the moon the moon had are initials on it

I looked down at the test then I grab the test and run out I don't know how he is going to take this I stand in front of jake and I say " jake I'm pregnant!"


Ok ok I'm sorry for the cliff hanger and sorry for the late post I have been busy so ya sorry about that but I hope you enjoyed the chapter but yes she is pregnant how is jake going to react you have to wait and no I will not have her have a miscarriage so ya thanks again for reading my story I will try to put more chapters up more frequently but no promises

Love, Destiny🌑🌕🐺♥️

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