The bitch slap

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Chapter 14

Destiny's POV

It was dark all around me except for this

women wearing a beautiful white duress

that fell down to her knees and snitched at

the waist and then wrapped around her

shoulder it looked like a goddesses dress

to me anyway she glowed against the black

background behind her

she took a step forward towards me I looked down and I saw I was wearing a beautiful white dress that if my body perfectly it snitched at the waist the dress flowed perfectly down to my knees and puffed out a little bit it was a strapless sweetheart neckline I wonder why I AM WEARING THIS DRESS

the woman that looked like a goddess took a step forward and her dress just flowed in the wind as she walked I felt drawn to her so I started to walk as I got closer I realized she looked like me or I looked like her which ever but she had hazel eyes with a little bit of gold in the middle she cleared her throat and said " destiny sweetie you need to wake up now" I feel back

I felt my self to wake up and I felt a pair of lips on mine I slowly began to open my eyes and saw jakes hazel brown eyes turn gold apparently he didn't see me awake so I squeezed his hand and I saw his eyes turn back to hazel I got up from where I was and saw David standing there with Bridget at the door

" babe I'm going to sleep ok I love you " jake whispered in to my ear which made me shiver but I nodded and went to the front door and went up in Bridget's face and yelled " OK WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE WHY ARE YOU HERE HAVENT YOU RUINED MY LIFE ALREADY FIRST YOU TOOK MY BOYFRIEND AND TRIED TO TAKE JAKE FROM ME YOU STUPID BITCH GOD WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?" Then i bitched slapped her

Bridget looked at me shyly and held her cheek then squeaked out " what ?" I took a deep breath and said " I should thank you so thanks for taking Eddie from me " I hugged her and what surprised me is that she hugged back and started to cry after a while we let go

So then I went to the kitchen to eat some pizza and David came into the kitchen and asked " destiny have you seen Danny since you have been awake?"

I thought for a moment and replied " no not since I passed out which by the way how long was I out for?" he hesitated and said " 2 weeks " ............


Hey guys hope you like the chapter sorry for the long wait check out my friends book the bite mark by the_walking_dead15 so plz check it out thanks if it seems short so sorry about that

Love, destiny

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