The plan

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Chapter 10

Eddies POV

I woke up from my bed I had a dream

about her again her soft beautiful skin

her long soft brown hair and her hazel

eyes that I can see them every time I

close my eyes I feel something on my

chest I open my eyes and looked down

and saw a dirty blonde hair and I felt

her move I picked her up slowly and set

her down after I slide out from

underneath her what was her name

again whatever it doesn't matter I will

never see her again anyway it was a one

night stand because I haven't had sex

since Bridget 2 weeks ago I put on my

pants and left the room I ran into

Bridget who was crying I looked up at

her " Bridget why are you crying sweetie? i asked her.

" I'm pregnant Eddie with your baby"


Hey guys omg Eddie is a dumb ass he got another girl pregnant what will he do mhmm thanks bye


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