My babies what the fuck?

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Chapter 11

Eddies POV

I stared at Bridget like she was crazy I

don't know what to think right now

should I be happy furious or sad then

my face grew to a huge smile and

I said " baby that's great dot worry I will be with you through every step of the pregnancy I will be with you when the baby is born and all I love you and are child"

i mean she is my true mate and I'm

suppose I love her and she can give me

children but bridget is a slut so I have

to act like I care till I want to stop

caring about her which may be a few

babies but hey I need heirs to be alpha

after I'm gone right a squeal

interrupted my thoughts I saw Bridget

jumping up and down saying

" omg babe thanks so much I don't know what I would do without you I love you so much but I gotta go to the bathroom morning sickness"

Then she skipped away I turned to

head to my bedroom door I got there

and opened the door I saw the blonde

still sleeping so I decide to wake her up

an get her outta her so Bridget doesn't

see her I growled loudly and the

blonde groaned and rolled of the bed

with a THUMP she groaned again I saw

her get up and I growled saying

" get out now" I used my alpha tone on

her so she will leave it worked she

growled and scowled at me but it

worked she ran out the door and I was

about to open my door when it opened

itself with Brittany behind the door

with her long brown hair and her

piercing blue eyes she looked sad I

wonder why she is crying I got my answer

" Eddie I'm pregnant I am 3 months along because you didn't wear a fucking condom you dick oh by the way it's yours" Brittany said right when Bridge

came through the door


Hey guys hope you like the chapter sorry agin for the cliff hanger and after the next chapter it will be Destinys and jakes pov in the 2nd chapter after the next one

Love, destiny

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