Oh god im in trouble

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Chapter 8

Jakes pov

I stared at we dumbfounded how did

she know I thought for a few seconds

then spoke

" because I wanted to wait till you could shift I'm sorry babe I really am but how did you find out?"

After a few seconds she spoke

" I heard you,david,Danny talking up at the top of the stairs you guys are really loud"

I then asked her

" ok so then how is your head not bleeding anymore?"

I could tell she was thinking of wether

to tell her or not then she spoke

" my wolf Bella she told me i am a element wolf so I can heal even though I haven't shifted yet"

wait she is an element wolf like me

' no shit Sherlock ' Damien said

' oh shut up Damien how was I suppose to know she was like us' I asked him

' Well let's see um she's are mate she healed fast and she hasn't even shifted yet you dumb fuck' he replied loudly I might add

' well I'm stupid' I said

'Well no shit' Damien said then I

blocked him out I pulled out from the

side of the road and headed back to the

house then sent Danny a text


David's pov

"What if she is not ok!" I shouted

"She will be fine jake is taking her to

the hospital " Danny replied

"Ok but let's see how she fell in the first


I said so then we got off of the couch

and headed up stairs i saw a high heel

shoe at the top just one we decide to

look in Destinys closet to make sure it

wasn't her's and of course It wasn't hers

that means someone has been in this

house I sniffed the air and I smelt an

unfamiliar sent coming from the shoe

and Destinys room

" oh god babe do you smell that?" Danny asked me

" yup oh no someone had been here we got to go the sent is till fresh"

I replied then we ran down the stairs

out the door into to the woods and

shifted I saw Danny's wolf it was a

blond coat with his striking blue eyes

but I had to snap out of it and we ran


Danny's pov

I shifted then turn to see David shifted

into his black wolf with his chocolate

colored eyes good thing he is mine and

only mine then I saw David Shake his

head then started to run I soon

followed but as we got to the end of are

territory the scent continued on to the

other packs territory so we had to turn

back to go to Destinys house we shifted

back and went to are backpacks to get

are extra clothes as we got into the door

my phone vibrated in my pocket I took

out my phone and saw a text from Jake

Alpha: hey we are on are way back and we got some explaining to do!

Me: oh god did she find out?

Alpha: yup she sure did

Me: k see you when you get here

Then locked my phone back put it back

in my pocket and said

" babe they are on there way and destiny found out"

David then replied

" oh god that's not good"

I then replied "I know" then we went to sit on the couch and wait


Unknown pov

I watched them go back inside I stayed

there for a few more minutes when I

car came into the driveway jake came

out of the car then went to the other

side and pulled the beautiful goddess

bridal style out of the car then opened

the door then I ran into the forest and

went to my territory and thought she

will be mine and only mine then I sent

her a text

' babe remember what I texted you you are mine and only mine I will come for you soon'


Hey guys hoped you like the chapter took me almost all day like geez anyway hope you liked it thanks bye

Love, Destiny

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