The explanation

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Chapter 5

And there stood...... David with his

chocolate colored skin and black hair

and almost golden eyes..... Wait gold

eyes what they are usually brown wtf is

going on anyway my best gay friend

looked furious cause I have been

skipping school lately and haven't been

hanging out with them for a few days

so he kicked down my door and then he

yelled " Bitch where you been?!"

I replied saying " I skipped school I'm sorry I was busy with jake "

then David's boyfriend Danny with his

tall figure white skin and a very cute

blonde haircut style came in and said

"David! Hurry up we got to go to the movies!"

He ran into my house and saw me then

he ran full speed I couldn't see him and

then there he was hugging me and

then he said

" destiny where have you been we have missed you!?"

I laughed at his change of mood David

sent Danny a look that said ' boy I

know you saw me yelling at her'

Danny just laughed then playful glared

at David then I said

" well I have been skipping school, dumped Eddie then I amnowdatingjake!" I said the last part really fast yet they still heard and as if

on queue they both yelled in unison saying


I winced and was about to get angry

my eyes were turning red but then I felt

arms going around my waist and I felt

as tingling spark going through my

body I felt hot breath on the back of

my neck then the person whispered in

my ear saying

" destiny calm down before you hurt someone"

the voice was smooth and sexy what

know that voice.....Jake omfg his voice

is so sexy anyway my eyes turned back

to hazel and I turned my head to see

jake and his sexy smirk then before I

could act I felt my body turn and my

head was resting on jakes chest I

looked up ad blushed jake chuckled

saying " aww your blushing " i pulled

away from his chest to say" I wasn't

blushing my cheeks are natural this


he chuckled saying

" yes I know as that is why you are beautiful"

then when I leaned in I heard someone

clear there throat I groaned and

turned my head to Danny who had

wide eyes and David who was just

staring at me in amazement then he

cleared his throat again and I snapped

and said

" what omfg do you want GOD!"

I felt jakes arms snake around my waist

and he whispered in my ear again

telling me to calm down I felt sparks

has he held me I didn't understand the

sparks but he calmed me down none

the less so I turned to Danny and David

and said

" sorry so what did you want?"

Danny replied saying

" oh we were wondering if you and jake and jade wanted to go to the movies with us?"

I then replied saying

" sure let me go get my phone"

and then I went up the stairs to get my

phone when I got to my room I

realized my phone was in my back

pocket I'm stupid sometimes anyway I

unlocked my phone and texted jade

Me: hey want to go to the movies with the group?

Jade: sure why not!

Me: k see you in an hour and a half bye!

Jade: bye!

I locked my phone but right as I got to

the stairs I heard voices talking and I

knew it was David , Danny , and jake

I heard Danny say

" dude you can't tell her yet she is not ready you can't say oh hey babe I'm your mate and your a werewolf and I'm alpha I love you like no you can't do that"

David nodded ( she can see over the stairs) then said " ya jake I understand that you want her to know but she is not ready yet"

then jake sighed and said " your right she is not ready yet but I love her with all my heart and I wish I could tell her but I have to wait a few more days till her birthday I guess now shh we have to be quiet and that's an order"

he commanded his voice had so much power in his voice David and Danny whimpered and said

" yes alpha whatever you say alpha " omg I'm a werewolf what as I was

thinking I started to walk I forgot the

stair were there and I fell when I got to

he bottom I saw jake by me yell " omfg destiny please baby stay awake destiny princess " the word princess came out as a whisper then I blacked out.....


Hey Guys sorry for the cliff hanger anyway chapter 6 coming soon I promise lol so yay have a good day hope you like the book thanks bye

Love, Destiny

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