Danny is back

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Chapter 15

Danny's POV

I got out of ben's lair and shifted to my wolf and ran and ran till I saw jakes house I opened the door with out knocking and I saw Bridget the fuck what is she doing here in jakes house I questioned in my mind

i saw David and went up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist he tensed then relaxed and said " babe where have you been for the last two weeks?!"

I breathed in and told him everything that happened with Ben I felt David tense up then I turned him around grabbed his face and lift it up so I could see damn his eyes are red fuck " babe calm down don't do nothing you will regret later look hey we should go I'm kinda tired ok I will go find jake and destiny and tell them ok "

I walked into the kitchen and saw destiny eating some pizza I cleared my throat and she spun around and her eyes widen then she dropped her pizza and ran to me and have me a bone crushing hug damn this girl is strong I hugged her back then let go and said." Hey bestie it is good to see you to but I gotta go and so does David so we will see you later boo love you bye"

I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed David's hand and walked out the front door

Destiny's POV

I finished my pizza and went into the living room Bridget left to go back to her pack to get more information I went to the couch and saw jake passed out he looked so cute and peaceful it leaned down and gave him a kiss just as I was about to stop I felt a hand on my cheek and the kiss deepened

well now i know he is awake I felt him smile then he let go I looked into his eyes and saw lust I knew why he stopped it is because if we continued he would be able to control himself he got up and went upstairs then I laid down in the couch and fell asleep...

( dream)

I was on a bed resting. When I heard the

door open I looked at the door and saw

nothing so I closed me eyes and felt nails

going down my neck then felt hands go

around my throat I'm dying I thought then I

woke up

( end of dream).

I woke up and felt blood going down my neck I screamed I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I saw jakes face before I blacked out


Hey guys sorry for the late update and the cliff hanger hope you like it thanks bye

Love, destiny

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