"You're just so cute when you're scared."

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Eadlyn's POV
It was a Saturday, and I was happily snuggled up underneath my warm blankets. The weather outside was dark and rainy, buckets of water pouring from the sky. The way it beat atop the castle's roof created such a soothing melody, and all I wanted was to stay in bed forever, no obligations or duties or responsibilities.

"Miss Eadlyn," Neena giggled and pulled back the many layers of blankets covering my face. "You'll suffocate if you do that."

"But it's so warm," I groaned, covering my face with a stray pillow. "And I'm so tired."

"Well, you have a meeting with your father at noon," Neena grabbed my pillow and gave me a scolding look. "It's already 11:30."

"What?!" I quickly jumped out of bed, tripping over my twisted up blankets in the process. I landed on the floor forcefully, my ankle cracking in a very unnatural way. I cried out in pain, knowing something was definitely wrong.

"Your Highness!" I heard Neena scream and plop down beside me. "Where does it hurt?"

It sounded like such a childish question, like something my mom would ask if I fell off my bike. If the circumstances had been any different, I would've pointed out that I wasn't a kid anymore. Of course, my foot really did hurt, and I really did want it to stop hurting as soon as possible.

"Here," I said, pointing at my left ankle. "It hurts here."

Neena leaned over and lightly touched the spot I pointed to, but the contact was too much to bear. I sucked in a quick breath and shut my eyes tightly, forcing the pain to go away. It didn't work.

"It's definitely twisted," Neena said, nodding her head once. She jumped to her feet and made her way to the door. "I'll go find someone to help. You just stay right there!"

I chuckled a bit at the irony of that last sentence. Yeah, like I was going anywhere with a twisted ankle.

"Eadlyn?!" I heard a familiar voice laced with worry call my name. My eyes lifted just as Erik came running into the room. "Oh my gosh, what happened to you?"

"Erik, calm down," I tried to smile. I didn't want him to think I was weak in any way. "I just landed on it the wrong way."

"I don't care if you just bent your pinkie, we're going to the Hospital Wing," he stated, looking down at me in a way that said don't even think about arguing with me, young lady.

I started to shake my head no, but was cut off when Erik simply picked me up as if I weighed nothing at all. I stared up at him in disbelief, suddenly noticing how cute he looked when he was being stubborn. His determination made me giggle quietly.

"What's so funny?" Erik looked down at me as we practically ran through the halls and toward the Hospital Wing.

"You're just so cute when you're scared," I giggled, tapping his nose lightly with my finger.

"And you make a lovely damsel in distress," he chuckled and looked down at me.

"I was perfectly capable of helping myself, thank you," I said, crossing my arms awkwardly. It was kind of hard to do when I was pressed up against Erik's chest. I huffed in annoyance and let my arms go limp at my sides.

"Oh really?" Erik raised an eyebrow at me. "If you're so capable, then why am I the one carrying you?"

"You were the one who refused to mind your own business!" I said defensively. "You just had to carry me to the Hospital Wing. I could've made it all on my own. You were just being stubborn."

"I was the one being stubborn?" Erik frowned. "You were refusing any help I wanted to give you, but obviously you couldn't even walk. You needed my help, and you can't even deny it."

"Yes, but-" I was interrupted by a sharp pain going through my foot. I let out a loud yell and dug my nails into Erik's shirt.

"Eadlyn!" Erik stopped and looked down at me in alarm. His face was contorted with fear and his eyes were wide. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I winced. "I think my foot just brushed against the wall or something."

"Are you sure?" His face softened a little, but the concern never left his voice. I felt his hand brush my cheek and I smiled as he ran his fingers through my hair. His touch was warm, but it sent shivers throughout my body.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good," he said. We both looked up at the same time and noticed that we were just outside the Hospital doors. Erik gave me a reassuring squeeze and smiled. "We're here."

Three Weeks Later

"Erik, I'm fine," I giggled. "I've been in here for weeks! If I'm not healed yet, then we need a new doctor!"

"I know, but I'm just trying to help you," Erik huffed, putting me back down on the bed. He'd insisted on carrying me back to my room, but I refused to let him. I'd been recovering for three weeks and I was ready to be in control of my life again. All the Selected boys had been given a couple weeks with their families back home while my foot healed, but Erik was the only one who stayed. Apparently he didn't want to see his family, but I wasn't about to complain. His company was the best I'd had in years. Every day he'd come to the Hospital and we'd just talk about random things in our live's. He was so cute and funny and kind and-

"Hey Eadlyn, since you can walk again, do you want to go to the gardens?" Erik grabbed my hand excitedly, interrupting my day dreams. I giggled for the hundredth time that day and nodded. Whatever he wanted, I'd be more than happy to do.

He helped me to my feet, never letting go of my hand. I felt his fingers intwine with mine, and I felt a blush creep onto my face. I ducked my head so Erik wouldn't notice, and began pulling him towards the door. It felt amazing to be able to walk again, and I soon forgot about our laced fingers.

We walked down the unusually empty halls quietly, a comfortable silence filling up the spaces around us. I glanced up at Erik and realized that he'd been staring at me. I gave him a curious glance and stopped walking, forcing him to stop too.

"What?" Erik asked innocently, turning so we were face to face.

"Why were you staring at me like that?" I crossed my arms playfully and grinned.

"Like what?" He raise his arms, still trying to act innocent.

"Like..." I waved my arms around, not sure how to describe it. His eyes had held something in them that I'd only ever seen when my father looked at my mom. Of course, I didn't know how to explain that, either.

"Like," Erik paused and took a step closer. We were so close I could make out every single color in his eyes. My heartbeat began to speed up, and suddenly I wanted to close the distance between us. "This?"

He leaned in and kissed me, chasing away any questions I'd had before.

A/N [old me]
Awwwwwww this made my heart happy😍

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Q. Who did Eadlyn almost pick to marry?
a) Hale
b) Kile
c) Henri

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Previous Question: Which of America's original three maids died in The One?

Answer: Anne🎀

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Thanks for reading and voting! I love you guys so much!

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