"Friends help each other."

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Henri's POV
After everything that had happened, I was heartbroken. How could I have not known that my own wife was betraying me? It was the worst feeling I'd ever thought possible.

What made it worse was that I'd loved Eadlyn. I'd been ready to start a life with her and help her as she grew to be the Queen Illéa needed. I never for a moment stopped to wonder if my feelings had been reciprocated.

As I watched my sobbing wife, a sharp pain ran through my chest. This affair wasn't just a small fling. It was love. Eadlyn and Erik were in love, and they had been prepared to do anything just to be together. They had something real, unlike anything I'd seen before. How could I crush something so strong?

"Eadlyn," I said softly, placing my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, her expression broken and sad. I cleared my throat, trying to think of the right words to say. "You love Erik, yes?"

Eadlyn nodded, biting her lip and looking at the ground. "More than anything."

"You wish to be with him?" I asked gently, hoping not to sound as angry or betrayed as I felt. Eadlyn's eyes finally met mine, and the desperation in her gaze was undeniable.

"I'd do anything to be with him," she choked, the tears falling faster than before. "I'm so sorry for bringing you pain, Henri. It was never my intention, and now I've not only lost the man I love, but I've lost a friend as well. I don't expect forgiveness. Erik can go back to Kent, so it's not awkward, but-"

"Eadlyn," I interrupted sternly. She looked terrified, so I reached up and placed her chin in my hands gently. "I do not know many words, but I been here long, and I see Erik loves you much. How can I break that love?"

Eadlyn's eyes widened, a glimmer of hope replacing the fear. "What are you saying?" she asked breathlessly, her hand covering her mouth.

I gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek. "You be with Erik. You love him." Eadlyn looked so, so happy, and inside I knew that I was doing the right thing.

It was just going to be so hard letting her go.

Eeadlyn's POV
I could hardly believe what had happened. The night had already been confusing enough, but this? How could Henri be so utterly compassionate?

Well, of course he would be. He was one the kindest, sweetest, most gentle men she had ever met. If he'd done anything other than try to help her situation, it wouldn't be Henri.

I looked up at my husband nervously. "So... what are we going to do?" My usually very quick mind wasn't responding the way I wanted it to, and that was terrifying. I hated not being in control.

Henri shrugged. "We break marriage. After long time, you and Erik marry." Once again, the hurt in his tone cut through my heart like a sword. How much pain could such a sweet man take?

"Yes, that sounds like the only solution." I yawned, suddenly realizing how tired I was. "We should get some sleep."

Henri and I agreed to speak more the next day, because I was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. Being queen was stressful enough. Throw in a love affair and you might as well be starting a civil war.

As we were about to go into our separate rooms, I placed my hand on Henri's shoulder. "Thank you for everything you've done," I said, struggling because of the tears in my eyes. "I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. Honestly, it's hard to believe how accepting you are about this whole situation. I'm just so thankful for you, Henri. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here."

Henri stared into my eyes for the longest few seconds of my life. His face was inches from mine, and I was afraid of what he was going to do. Thankfully, he backed away a few feet.

"It ees sad that you betray me, but I still want to help you," Henri said. "You are good friend, and friends help each other, yes?"

I nodded. He was so innocent and adorable. Any woman would be lucky to have him. Too bad I'm not "any" woman. Then this whole mess would be over...

1 Year Later
"Eadlyn, come taste this pasty! It's angel food, I swear," Erik waved me over to the large table full of desserts, a huge smile plastered over his face. I giggled and started walking toward him, trying not to ignore the many guests congratulating me along the way.

After that horrible night a year ago, Henri and I came up with a plan that would allow me and Erik to marry without upsetting the Illéan people. It had worked brilliantly for the most part, and I was finally able to relax and marry the man I really loved.

"You wanted to see me, husband?" I teased, giving Erik a quick kiss on the cheek. It was going to take a while getting used to our new titles.

Husband and wife.

"Why yes, wife," Erik smirked, winking at me. His smiles made my heart flutter, a feeling I never thought I'd experience. "Taste this. It's amazing."

I looked down at the golden pasty in his hand, my mouth watering. It looked amazing. Right when I was about to take the dessert, Erik reached up and shoved a piece of cake in my face.

"Erik!" I laughed, completely stunned. What a sneak! My new husband just stood there, laughing hysterically. I was not about to let him get away with that.

I found a piece of cream pie and smeared it all over his smug little expression. We were both laughing like we'd never laughed before, and all I could think was that this was going to be the rest of my life. Erik was my life now.

And I was his.

• • •

A/N [oldish me]
heyyyyo👋🏼 I have no idea what's going on in this chapter, but that's fine because at least I wrote it!

yeah, but seriously, the cake scene played out a lot better in my head... I feel like when I write, everything is happening in slow motion😂

I send you my love through the screen of your phone/tablet/iPad/iPod/computer

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