Only you my love

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Isabella's pov.

I woke up in a dark room, the walls were black, the ceiling was black, even the floor was black. I got off the floor and scanned the room, there he was Zac, he was on the floor in handcuffs connected to a chain.

I ran to him patting his shoulders he wouldn't wake up. "ZAC!" I cried on his shoulder "wake up!". "Isabella is that you?" Zac slowly got up, lifting my head I saw him on his knees facing my he didn't look good like he has been crying or something. "Zac are you okay? What did he do to you!?" I climbed closer to him trying to see if there was any marks or scratches on him. "Nothing Izzy, I'm fine..." he half smiled looking at his hands "Zac... you're not okay, you're hurt" I saw his forearm all burnt and cut. I looked up at him "I'm fine really, why are you here?" He asked me avoiding my 'you're hurt'. "My dad saw me looking for you" I smiled at him his face lit up "you were looking for me" he smiled happily. "Yeah, of course you're my best friend" I smiled back. His smile slightly fell "ya of course" it got silent. He looked at the chain on his wrists and followed the chain going down to where it was hocked up to, it was on the jail bars. "Why did they lock you in here?" I asked Zac I know he was talking to me a lot but, why here?

"Isabella, there's something I need to tell you I have this strong connection with-" he was cut off by my dad again, slamming the door open. "Get up!" He commanded Zac, He slowly stepped up. I got up to "sit back down" my dad hissed looking at me I did as he said and sat down back on the nasty flooring. My dad opened the jail sell and unlocked the chain but, kept the handcuffs on? "Where are you talking me?" Zac was always scared of my dad, everyone is really. My dad didn't say anything while he closed the bars.

Zac's pov.

He walked somewhere I don't know where but it slowly smelt of wolves, was he going to feed me to wolves. Then I knew he was there was a ton of wolves sitting down looking up at one wolf talking about a tree?

"It's him" John said I turned to look at him "what?" I asked confused. "You aren't my daughters mate, you will never have a second mate, and you will never be good for my daughter" he hissed at me. I hissed back "I love your daughter!" "You're not her mate let her find him!" I looked down at my hands. "She will never find him if you never let her out" I said lowly.

Aidens pov.
Brandon acted weird ever since the alpha speech. I want to ask him what's up but I don't have the guts to do so. I'm just going to ask what's the worst that can happen?

"Yo, Brandon did you see something that caught your eye at the alpha speech?" I asked him while he was half asleep. "Wha?" He seemed kind of tired "you have been acting weird since the alpha election, you okay?" I asked "yeah yeah I just smelt vampires and one smelt good for some reason and yeah yeah" he snores. One smelt good? What is that supposed to mean?

Bella's pov.

I frowned seeing the side of the bed next to me empty. Connor is gone he left no sign of him anywhere I have just been laying here with nothing to do. Bored, heartbroken, and lost, lost that I don't know what to do anymore.

"Hey mom?" Aiden frowned seeing me like this I smiled "yes" I asked lowly "are you going to be okay why are you all pale?" He asked curious "Connors gone my mate is gone, half of me is dying Aiden, half of me is dying" I repeated coughing.

"Mom it's going to be alright don't worry" he tried calming me "it is you guys are here that's all I need" I frowned knowing that's all I need but my body, it says I need more.

"We will find him" then again I'm not sure if I want them to he left he should be happy now. I turned and saw someone by the door I couldn't make out who it was. "Get out!" Aiden said "I'm sorry Bella" I heard Connors voice. "I said get out of my house now" Aidens alpha tone slipped "but I" Connor trailed but I interrupted "GET OUT!!" I yelled at Connor. "No no I won't" he cried getting threw Aiden and sat next to me in a chair holding my hand. "I didn't mean anything with Scarlet" he said for like the fifth time now. "I don't care about Scarlet!! You left! You left me I'm dying because of you" he shook his head "no no Bella I didn't mean this" he cried kissing my hand. "I know you didn't but I'm broken Connor I'm broken, I trusted you with my heart, its broken now I can't gain it back" I looked in his eyes I could tell he was sorry but I don't think he can fix this. I do still love him but my wolf doesn't accept the fact that he loves me still even though I can see it.

"Get out please" I turned and faced the window away from Connor and Aiden "no Bella, in sorry I really am" Connor didn't budge "I know you are it's okay really, I love you" I said still looking out the window. "Bella I love you too" those were his last words before the door shut and I started to cry hard.

'Bella ahh what's wrong?' Lucas could feel my pain. 'I'm sorry I can't it's to much' I mind linked back 'Bella it's okay come on just stop crying I'll be there in a minute we can talk' I don't like how he could feel my pain it hurts him more then it hurts me. I just want to talk to him about Connor and try to find a solution I can get fixed because I do want to see Brandon and Aiden's children when they grow up. I just need some help telling my wolf to forgive connor, but how?

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