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Bella's pov.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THOUGHT AIDEN WAS STRONGER!" I growled at the clan. "BRANDON IS VERY STONG!" Ash yelled too. "Yes, yes but Brandon has less training skills. Aiden is very strong but, he does have a brain the size of a walnut. That's why Brandon with his big brain of his they will be a great team together" They said nodding at each other. "UGH!" I growled getting up and stomping away. I reached the car and climbed into the drivers seat. "What's wrong mom? Aren't you proud of me" Aiden asked worried. "Yeah, I'm proud of you" I looked out my window with my arms crossed. Ash got into the car and slammed the door. "Look they had to do what's right for the pack and they tried Bella." He started, really Ash HERE IN FRONT OF THE KIDS! "Well maybe we could have just had two" I mumbled starting the engine.

I dropped the kids off to the house first. "Bye mom" they said hurrying out of the car. I drove to Ash's house, it was pretty quiet. Why did I drop them off first!!! "I'm sorry Bella, you know about Connor" ash said sadly. I gripped the steering wheel harder then I was before. "It's fine Ash, We are just taking a break" I assured him. "Oh I know, that explains why he is at the park with another girl" Ash looked at the park. I quickly turned my head and didn't see anybody. "Chill Bella I'm just messing with you, he's over there at the spaghetti factory" Ash pointed to the factory. I turned my head and saw that the restaurant was closed. I growled loudly "STOP IT!" "Sorry, geez what crawled up your a-" I stopped the car. "Get out!" I said facing forward still angry. "Okay, okay" he opened the door and slammed it. I just drove straight leaving him there. How dare he talk about Connor like that to me!

I drove home fuming mad about Ash. But yet it did make me wonder about Connor. How was he taking this? No, no Bella calm down. No sadness. Be strong for Me. "Mom black bow or black tie for first alpha greeting?" Aiden asked holding a clip of how and a tie. "The tie" I replied simply. "Okay" he said running back upstairs.

I saw Brandon sitting on the couch eating popcorn, pizza drinking soda while watching a alien movie. This wasn't a image I was used to this was usually Aiden. "Sweetie? Are you okay?" I asked on the phone. He didn't answer as if he couldn't hear me. "Woah blast their head off" he yelled throwing popcorn at the tv. He usually mocks stupid movies like this saying why aliens aren't real and stuff, but no he's watching an alien movie! Oh boy we have a problem...

Isabella's pov.
I heard a loud creek of the dungeon cells opening. "Get up. You're free to go. You and your little friend." I looked up and saw my dad. No it wasn't my dad. It couldn't have been. This man is letting me go off on my own!

"What? What do you mean?" I asked. "You've got five seconds for you and your friend to leave or else!" He hissed. "Zac wake up" I shook Zacs sleeping figure. "What?" He asked looking up at me. "Come on hurry!" I helped him up. "2" my dad shouted. "HURRY!" I grabbed Zacs arm and ran out of the cells. The out of the dungeons. I smiled looking at the sun rising before me. It was magnificent. Geez okay I know I wasn't in there long. Well.... to you guys I haven't. But when I'm in those cells which is a lot I feel trapped, and depressed. "Hey, don't look back on those moments. Come on there's a future waiting for you!" Zac grabbed my hand and ran. We ran together into town. It reeked of wolves. Maybe coming here wasn't so good. But then again I don't see any wolves. Just smells bad, to many of them in one place. But there was a hint of good smell which I liked, loved actually.
Johnathan's pov.
I watched as they ran into town together. I could tell Zac cares about her. But I know Isabella needs her other half. She needs to be free, feel protected, and treasure life. I don't want to keep her in dungeons anymore. I saw at the corner of my eyes one of my men following them. I ran up to him. "What are you doing" I whispered. "You said follow them boss" he said stopping. "Right... but also let them explore the world of their own that's important too" he nodded and I ran back to Isabella's room. I flipped threw pages when she was little and smiled at all the ones she smiled in. Oh before her mom died she was so energetic, so happy, what have I done to her? She must hate me. And I don't blame her.

Brandon's pov.
Right now Brandon and I are on stage, at the park. He is talking about how he is alpha and swears to protect everyone in are pack rather then anything else and shit like that. I could smell something good. Really good, then something bad. A vampire. I looked over and Alison gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled. Maybe my old noggin is rusty, I thought.

I looked up and saw two people I haven't seen in my pack before. I growled lowly, but not because they were intruders but because I was jealous. 'This guy is hugging my mate! MY MATE NOT HIS!' My wolf growled. 'What? NO Alison is are mate.' I argued against him. 'You're so stupid! Usually pure blood gets two mates! NOW GO AFTER HER! SHE HUGGING HIM IT HURTS!' He growled. Aiden was in the middle of the speech when he sniffed something. "Everybody get down!" He ordered. They all got down but my mom was spaced out. She was having a vision. "GET THEM!" Aiden pointed to my mate and the other vampire. The guards ran towards them. I let my wolf out and ran full speed and jumped right in time before the guards got to them. "Run" I said to the vampires. They ran and I looked at them to make sure they were safe running away. I saw my mater look back at me with sadness. I hope she will be okay. The guards tackled me down, causing me to whimper at them all falling on top of me pushing down all their weight. "Stop!" Aiden commanded.

Valentines pov.
"Run" his wolf said in a husky voice. I took Zacs hand and ran as my mate said to do. I looked back and saw him looking up at me. Before he got tackled by the guards. He whimpered and I felt bad. I want to run back to him I need too. I stopped then Zac stopped running too. "I need to go back to him" I said to Zac. "No Bella don't!" I didn't listen. I don't even know this Bella my names Isabella. I ran to the scene where it all happened but nothing. Nothing was there. "Come on where are you mate? Where ya hiding?" I asked myself. Then I saw a huge crowd going in different directions. They must all be going home. I need to mask my scent. I'm going to buy perfume. I felt my pockets and realized I left it on my dresser. I know I'll just go quickly into the store spry a lot of perfume and hope nobody will tell my scent. I looked around and made sure nobody was looking and unlocked the door with a bobby pin. I grabbed three different odd smells and sprayed it all over me. I felt like puking over and over again!

I decided just to take them all just in case the smell runs out. I still need to find him. Maybe he lives by their pack house. I know where that is. "Isabella wait! I've been looking for you everywhere I couldn't smell you" I saw Zac running over to me. "I wonder why" I said smiling holding up the three bottles of perfume. "Wait, you're trying to smell good for your mate? That's new. I never thought of you as that type" he said backing up. "No. I'm trying to mask my scent from them" I simply said "mask your scent or everyone. Your dad won't be able to track you, me, the guards, they will all be worried. And if you run off and I can't find you? How will that make me look?" He asked. "Look it's not about you right now and you won't lose me I'll just hold your hand or something" "not about me? And Isabella I've already lost you" he frowned. "The scent isn't for my mate I swear. I need to blend in!" I cried. "Ahhh" I heard a lady scream. Beside her was a man in his thirties. She pointed at Zac. "HE IS GOING TO KILL THAT POUR GIRL" she cried out loud. Then the man charged after Zac. "Go Zac!" I yelled at Zac. "No! You need to see that I" he was tackled he didn't get to say what ever he wanted. The wolf stuck his canines into his neck. I gasped he's dead. He died? I had two opportunities help my dying friend or go to my mate. I only could choose one.

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