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Isabella's pov.

It was him I can't believe it's Zac I can be with him with no drama! Oh wait Brandon "I still have to find out things with Brandon he never rejected me" I said looking up at Zac. He looked down at me I could tell he was sad to tell you the truth I know how he feels I was like that when Brandon hanged out with Alison and stuff but now I don't have to deal with all that jealousy it may hurt when Brandon rejects me but it's okay and when they put the time back on track and Zac disappears I'll go with him I don't want to leave him!

"Come on we will both talk to him together get here I'll help you get on" Zac put his hands down for a push of help so I could get on the house I hopped over onto the horse then he got on it after me. "Can I ride" I asked he laughed "uh sure" I grinned and kissed him then hit to horse with the ropes and we where off.

"Whoa geez i don't know what's more scary my disappearing soon or your horse back riding" we laughed. But he just reminded me that we only got a week to spend time together before he has to go back. "Hey it will be okay I'll still be here" he pointed to my right chest he meant to point to my heart. "It's here on the left my heart is on my left" I giggled he looked embarrassed and blushed "oh well here".

He helped me off the horse "well here we go.." I said knocking on Bellas door "BRANDON CAN YOU GET THAT IM SHAVING MY LEGS!" I heard Bella say Zac and I laughed I hit his chest to stop because I heard the door twist.

"Oh hey... Yo who's this" Brandon asked me oh right he doesn't know "oh uh Brandon this is Zac" I introduced Zac to Brandon. "Sup man" brandon said he was a little to chill today hmmm...

"Brandon we need to talk to you" I smiled "okay come inside" he opened the door more and led us into the living room. I sat next to Zac and Brandon sat in front of us "sooo what do you need to talk to me about" Brandon asked. "Brandon...." I couldn't say it 'izzy come on bro say it' Zac pushed me to say it but it wasn't working. "What Isabella was trying to say is that I love her I want her and faith brought us together man do you know what I mean. I've lost everything my true partner and it didn't matter if I had a partner I still liked izzy for a long time" he looked at Brandon then me. I looked at Brandon he was speechless he closed his eyes then opened them and looked at me they where watery. He was hesitating to drop a tear he was so strong 'what's faith is at I'm her mate BI*CH!' I heard his wolf say to him 'stop it this is what she wants make our mate happy and don't you dare control me' he was fighting his wolf.

"Okay then if this is what you want uh I guess uh I Brandon Alexander Boyle reject you Isabella Amber Curtis as my mate" I was sad that he rejected me but there was no pain I always thought that there was pain. "Okay it's done go have fun umm yeah catch you guys later" he nodded stood up and left. I felt bad I should of acted like it hurt but it didn't I do feel bad that I like forced him to reject me I should have just done it.

"What should we do?" Zac asked playfully lifting me up off the couch I giggled as he twirled me around. He gently put me down and kissed me I stopped him "we are still in my ex mates house" I looked at him he grinned "then let's make those better" he picked me up and quickly ran out the door.

Brandon's pov.

"Dude you have to fully reject her she is going to kill you if she kisses him or worse sleeps with him" Aiden said turning down my favorite song. "NO! If I die I die that means I know that she fully moved on I want to see if she still wants me. If she does sleep with him I know she really doesn't want me simple". "No dude you could die! When I rejected Maddison I wanted to die more then once" Aiden tried to sound like he knows what I'm going threw. "Well this is different" I said getting up "yeah this is different you may actually DIE!" I just showed him my middle finger and left the room "whatever dude".

I felt pains in my stomach "ahhh" I yelled falling to the floor. Then darkness consumed me.

Aidens pov.

"BRANDON!!" I picked up Brandon "mom call Dark and Arthur over now!" I yelled my mom zoomed upstairs. "On it" she dialed their numbers and asked them to come over. "Dad help" I yelled to Ash he ran upstairs "wow okay down stairs I got his legs" he picked up Brandon's legs and we went down to the couch. Not even minutes later Dark, Mrs black, Connor and Arthur came running in.

"Get me my stethoscope,my otoscope,ophthalmoscope, and my blood pressure monitor!" Arthur yelled out loud I only know what one of those things are and yes I want to be a doctor not really working out for me I guess. Connor got all the things that he said and Arthur started to work on my brother "maybe we are looking at this wrong I mean remember when Alison passed out on the jet? It was because her mates and stuff" I said suggesting something "no it's not that" Dark said "no no that's true it may be something like that" Mrs.Black said nodding "right because I'm always wrong aren't I" Dark huffed. "No you just need to know your answers son" she smiled. We all laughed but after our laugh they got back to work trying to figure out what happened to my brother.

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