Preventing a War

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I began to travel to the edge of my territory. In my hands were two katar blades. I was born without claws so I used these. I never really cared that I didn't have claws, it just meant that I got these big guys. I turned into a cat to be more stealthy. My white fur glistened in the moon light. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to come on a full moon. The wolves will be at their strongest.

My gaze landed on two wolves guarding the edge of their territory. One had brown ears and tail while the other had grey. I walk out into the light so they can see me. Changing back, I stared up at the wolves staying on my side of the border. The snow beneath my bare feet made a faint crunching sound.

"What are you doing cat?!" Asked the grey wolf.

"Maybe she's here to prove she's strong to her pride," said the brown eared wolf.

"No I'm here to request an audience with the alpha," I said. I take a knee. "Please." The wolves smirked.

"I've never seen a kitty beg before," Said the brown wolf.

"Hehe, how pathetic," said the grey wolf. I bow my head.

"Please," I begged again. "I have an important subject to discuss with the alpha-." I was cut off by a leg kicking my stomach. The wind was instantly knock out of me. I grabbed my stomach as I glare up at the wolves.

"Now now little kitty, you want us to take you to the alpha. I suggest that you do what we say," said the brown wolf.

"That's quite enough," said a voice. Out of the shadows walked a tall man with black ears and a strong aura. He smirked wickedly. "She's our guest, and a important one at that. If I'm not mistaken, you are the leader of the cat people's daughter," said the wolf. "Am I correct?" I glance at the tall man. He towered over me as is shadow consumed me.

"Yes that is correct," I said. His smirk grew.

"Oh how delightful," he said clearly joking about being fancy. "It'll be nice to get to know you lady Alyssa. I hope our home is suited to your standards." His voice seemed to change to a menacing tone.

"What do you mean?" I ask. He glanced at me and smiled sourly.

"Oh I'm going to hold you hostage and get a ransom for you. And this works out perfectly. I have something I need you to help me with. Good thing too, I was looking for a feline to help me," he said. "Oh and I'm Claw. The alpha of this pack." I was still on my side of the border. I stand up and go to make a run for it. When I turned around my eyes came face to face with a yellow eyed man. He had three scars over his eye as if he was scratched by claws. His gaze was intense.

"Don't try to run, it will only make it worse," he spoke as if he knew the way I felt right now. My heart was pounding. Looking into his eyes gave me a slight bit of comfort. But even so, I still felt threatened. His scent was strange, like he had something else inside of him that the others didn't.

"Sorry, but that's the only option I have," I said. I kicked up some snow into his eyes as I bolted. My feet thumped against the ground at a inhuman speed.

"Don't let her reach her kind," said the alpha calmly. I could still feel his smirk directed at me. Ignoring him, I continued to run. I'm the fastest warrior in the pride. There's no way they can catch up to me. As if on cue, someone was right on my tail.

"Get back here! If he catches you, you'll loose everything!" Yelled the man behind me. It was the yellow eyed man. He was gaining on me.

"Why are you warning me?!" I call back to him. "He's your leader! Why try and help me by telling me what I already know?!" I could tell the man was shocked by my words. "Aren't I your enemy?! I'm a cat your a wolf! Why help me-"

"Because I can see you are different! But I can't disobey my alpha! I'm sorry!" He yelled to me.

"I'm sorry too," I said softly. I threw one of my katars back at him. It hooks onto his jacket's arm throwing him back. He was pinned to a tree as I used this time to run.

I finally neared my home. Finn was standing guard. He still hadn't noticed me yet. Just as I was about to call out to him, a hand came over my mouth silencing me. "Don't speak and don't move little kitty," the voice's breath tickled my ear. "Your an untamed spirit. I like that in a woman." I was so close but yet to far. The only thing I could do was warn my people. I bit down on the wolf's hand. He growls.

"Finn!" I screamed. His head shot my way. His eyes blaze up in fury. Pulling out his twin daggers, he charged towards us. I was held by the neck against a tree. The face of my captor was visible. It was Claw. How did he catch up to me. He pulls out a dagger and brings me back to his chest.

"Don't come any further, stray," Claw growled. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist while the other held the dagger to my neck. "I would like to hold her for ransom. If you want her, you must bring me all items of value, 75% of all the food you gather, and the leaders head. Then I'll give her back. She will become the next leader under my rule." Claw brought his face next to mine and licked my cheek in a wicked way. His touch made me whimper slightly. Finn was enraged, but eventually cooled off. "You have a week," Claw said. I give Finn a defeated look. His gaze softens.

"Fine, I will inform the leader and his comrades," Finn said redirecting his gaze at the ground. I could feel Claw's smirk widen against my cheek.

"Good little kitty cat. Now I'll be taking her with me. See you in a week," Claw said. "If you try to attack me now or at any time in the next week, I'll kill her." Claw hit me over the top of my head with the handle of his dagger. As my vision began to fail me, I see Claw throw me over his shoulder, and a saddening expression on Finn's face.


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