A New Ally

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Scar returned later that day with fresh clothes and some food on a tray. His smile reassure me that I wasn't alone. "So I brought you the finest food we have," Scar said. "Claw ordered it to be so." Scar handed me the tray.

"Thank you," I said taking a bite of bread. It was surprisingly good.

After eating the food on the tray, I felt a shiver run up my spine. It was really cold in this place.

"Are you cold?" Scar asked. I nod my head.

"Yeah," I said.

"Here put these on," Scar said handing me the clothes he brought. I take them and waited for scar to turn around. But he didn't.

"Ahem," I coughed.

"Oh sorry," he said turning around. I began to get dressed. When I was finished, I wore a mini skirt, with a crop top. My feet were still bare.

"How are these suppose to keep me warm?! They only make me colder!" I yell.

"I didn't pick them out," Scar defend. "It was Claw."

"Well then Claw is crazy," I said. "It's flippin' snowing out there!" Scar smirked.

"You sure do have a temper," Scar said.

"Well yeah! I have been taught to use my anger to fight!" I yell. "And when I can't fight, I explode with the smallest disagreement!" Scar smirked bigger.

"Then do you want to let it all out?" Scar asked. "I would gladly like to fight a little kitten." My eyes flared.

"I'm not a kitten! I'm a cat!" I yell.

"Then prove it," Scar said.

"I will!" I shout. I stand back and get into a fighting stance. "You know what cats are best at?"

"Being cowards," Scar said.

"Nope, going for the kill," I said. I ran out out of the room. Once scar realized what my plan was, he charged after me I ran past other wolves. They didn't get a chance to look at me so they just let it slide. Now which way? I saw a light at the end of a hall. It had rock stairs leading up.

"Alyssa you won't be able to beat him!" Scar called out. "There's no escaping him!" I ignored Scar. Taking two steps at a time, I quickly neared the surface.

At the top, my body took in the sun. Yes! I did it! I looked around for my target. The wolves didn't notice me. It was like they were oblivious to the world around them. I needed a better view. Climbing up the nearest tree, I could finally see everything. I couldn't spot him. Scar stumbled out into the open. He frantically looked around for me.

"Up here," I whispered. His head shot up to look at me. His hearing was very sharp.

"Get backdown here before he finds out," Scar whispered back. I noticed the wolves making a path for an unknown figure. Soon I realized who it was.

"Kay," I said. My feet grip the tree branch. Getting down on all fours, I change into a cat. I jumped off the branch. Using my tail, I kept myself right side up. I pounced from one wolf head to another, until I got close to the open path made by wolves. When the figure was insight, I jumped up and changed back. No one noticed me. As I neared the figure. I prepared to kick him. I brought my hands to my chest and made a sign.

"Call of the tiger! Grant me your roar!" I yell

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"Call of the tiger! Grant me your roar!" I yell. My yelling turned into a roar. I neared the figure. I bring down my leg, aiming for his head. In the last second, he turned around and blocked my attack with his arm.

"Nice try, Kitty," Claw spoke in a low voice. I jump back. "That was a nice trick, but you should know you can't sneak up on an alpha. I heard you running up the stairs."

"Damn," I mutter with frustration.

"There's no need to curse. What is so important that you need to attack me in such a savage manner?" Claw asked. I didn't answer. I just glared at him. "Aww kitty, why don't you just answer me so we can get you back into your cell," Claw said.

"I want to fight for my freedom," i said. Claw smirked.

"Alright, I'll pick who you will fight," Claw said. Claw scanned the crowd. "How about him," Claw said pointing into the crowd. The crowd separated, revealing Scar. Scar looked as shocked as I do.

"You want me to fight Scar?" I ask.

"Yes, Kitty," Claw said. My gaze fell. How could a bring myself to do something like that. My fist clenched. Scar walked up to me.

"I will lose so you can go back to you're pride," Scar said. I stomp my foot. A huge crater formed. Claw looked baffled by my strength.

"I can't let you do that!" I scream. "You are my friend! I can't humiliate you in front of your pack! What kind of friend would I be if I did that to you?!" I look at Claw. "I would rather rot in hell then hurt an ally!" Claw smirked.

"So he's an ally now. What did he do to get you to feel this way I wonder," Claw mused. I gave him one last glare, before walking back to the staircase that lead to the dark room.

~short Time Skip~

I sit against the wall and slowly lowered myself to the ground. "Damn that wolf," I mutter.

"You should really try to control that temper of yours," said a voice.

"It's kind of hard when every chance you get some idiot uses that anger and directs it at a friend," I said. "Don't you agree with me, Scar?"

"Yeah I know my brother is a jerk sometimes," Scar said. "But he's my only family."

"Wait! Brother?!" I yell.

"Yes he just doesn't like to show our identical features. So he wears a fake mask that looks like his real skin," Scar explained.

"Oh," I said. "That's why I didn't make the assumption."

"Yeah," Scar said. Scar walked over to me and sat down. He placed the back of his head against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. "What you didn't out there was amazing," he said.

"How so?" I ask looking at the ground by my feet.

"You stood up for what you believe in. You gave up your freedom for my pride," Scar said. "Do you really consider me your ally?"

"Yes. Even if you are my new ally, you still need me to help you," I said. "Anyways, I could never fight you. I don't want to hurt you."

"You, hurt me? Haha, that's inaccurate. I bet you can't even get me to flinch." Scar said. I throw a punch at Scar. It hits him in the chest. The wind was knocked out of him. I heard a groan escape his lips.

"Are you sure I wouldn't hurt you," I said cockily. Scar chuckles. 

"Heh, so you can punch. It was pretty good for a girl and a cat," Scar said. I punch him again, but harder.

"Don't get me riled up," I warned.

"Ow," Scar said rubbing his chest. I give him a sweet smile. He returns it with a grin. Scar put his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you," Scar said. My smile grew.

"Your welcome."
Hey all you beauties! I hope you are all enjoying this book. I just want to give a shout out to Jacobstowe! Happy birthday weirdo! That's all I want to say. See ya next time✌️!

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