Escape Plan

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My heart thumped in my ears. Everything was black. I couldn't see anything. I moved slightly as something began to sting on my back.

"Alyssa," someone muttered. I slowly open my eyes. There looking over me was Scar. He looked very concerned. I felt funny.

"Hey," I said sweetly while falling in and out of consciousness. He cupped my cheeks and looked deeply into my eyes trying to search for something.

"What brought you to save me?" He asked. The question shocked me. "I was already trying to protect you by fighting my brother. Even when I'm protecting you, you still risk your life to protect me." Scar looked at me with loneliness.

"Scar, when someone really cares about you, they will go to great lengths to protect you," I said. "I cared for you since we first met." Scar looked away. He seemed to be avoiding my gaze.

"But why? You could have died," Scar said.

"Some people are worth dying for," I said. Scar looked back into my eyes. I give him a smile.

"Why are you so damn cute?" Scar said. With a swift movement, Scar cupped my cheeks and kissed me. Sparks began to burst like fireworks. The kiss was long and passionate. Scar slid his left hand down my neck to my back. I winced from the pain. Scar quickly pulled away. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a little sore," I said. Scar gave me a smile of sympathy.

"Sorry. I just...," Scar paused. "I love you." My heart pounded with excitement.

"I-I love you too," I said. A smirk crossed Scars lips.

"Even if I'm a wolf?" Scar asked.

"Hey you said it first. I'm just agreeing with you," I said smiling. Scar couldn't help himself. He leaned his head close to mine. He kissed me again.

When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead against mine. "I'm so glad I met you," Scar said. Scar pulled away to look into my eyes. "And that's why I need to get you out of here."

"But doesn't that mean war for my clan?" I ask. "If I leave, Claw will make sure he gets me back. Even if he has to kill off my people to do so."

"That's why he won't know you're missing," Scar said. That only made me more confused.

"How?" I ask.

"Well, I'll tell you later when we can be alone," Scar said. "For now just rest." Scar kissed my forehead and got to his feet. As he left the room, I began to feel very lonely. I might as well sleep for now.

~Time Skip~

I was kissed awake by soft lips. I open my eyes to see Scar. I felt his lips curve up in a smirk. "I knew that would wake you up, my sleeping beauty," Scar said.

"Hey, I ain't no damsel in distress," I said with a smirk. Scar grinned.

"Yes, but you are my princess," Scar said. "Now C'mon, we have to discuss the situation." Scar picked me up and was careful of my injury. His gentle touch sent pleasured shivers down my spine.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To where it all began," Scar said.

~Time Skip~

We made past all the sleeping wolves and managed to go beyond the borders. We now stood in a snow covered field. It didn't look like it did in the spring, but it was just as beautiful. "This is where I first met you," Scar said.

"Yeah, I remember it so vividly," I said smiling.

"This has always been my go-to place. It's so refreshing," Scar said taking in a deep breath. I look up at Scar. I saw true happiness that I haven't seen in his yellow eyes. It made me feel so joyful. Scar slowly lowered me to the ground. "I've heard that you cats heal a lot faster when in your animal form. Take this chance to heal," Scar said.

"Alright," I said. With a slight struggle, I managed to change form. My white fur was blending in with the snow. The pain on my back slowly began to heal. "So what's the plan," I meowed.

"Okay, so my plan is to make Claw think you are sick. He won't come anywhere near you if he believes you are," Scar explained. "So to make it look like you are still there, I found a wild snow cat. I'm going to put it in place of you while you go to your clan to tell them about what happened. After that you will move into a new territory where Claw can't find you. It's the perfect plan."

"Okay, one question, what about you?" I ask.

"If your clan will take me, I will join you. If not, then I guess I'll be a lone wolf again," Scar said.

"I won't let that happen," I said. Scar smiled and pet my head.

"Thanks, 'kitty'," Scar said.

"Don't make me scratch you," I said. Scar just laughed.

"It looks like you've healed," Scar said. "We should get back to the pack. Tomorrow we'll start our plan. I don't have everything set up yet, but it should be good by tomorrow." I nod. Scar picked me up and tucked me in his jacket. I hope this plan works.

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