An Unexpected Action

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I laid on the cold floor of the cave. Scar wasn't far from me. I felt a bit under the weather. I felt very cold but my forehead was boiling. It seemed like nothing. "So how are we going to pull this off," I ask.

"When Claw is in his room, you are going to make a run for it. While I put your replacement in position," Scar said. "When he comes in you need to be in cat form." I nod. I began to hear footsteps. Quickly changing, I began to feel much worse.

"Where's my little kitty," Claw said entering the room. I tried to stand still in place. My legs threatened to give out. "Oh there you are." Claw noticed me. He walked towards me. The weakness began to grow. Before I could turn to Scar, I collapsed. Claw was shocked by the sudden movements. Scar could tell I wasn't joking around to give the impression that I was sick. Scar rushed over to me.

"Alyssa?! Are you alright?" Scar asked. I shake my head.

"Let's take her to the healer," Claw subjected.

"No we can't move her. It'll only make things worse," Scar said. "Stay here. I'm going to go get some blankets." Scar hurried to his feet and bolted out of the room. Claw looked around nervously as if he was actually worried.

"I'm sorry Alyssa," Claw said. He sat next to me. His hand reached for my head. When I didn't flinch, he placed his hand on my head. He began to pet me lightly. "If I hadn't have been such a... Selfish alpha, you wouldn't be in this sorry state." Claw was showing selflessness right before my eyes. This was the first in the time I've been here that I saw a genuine sorrow filled expression. Now I don't really know if can go through with our plan. I weakly push my head against his palm. It surprised him. The small sign of affection was new to him.

"Don't worry about me," I said. "I'll live." Claw smirked slightly.

"As tough as ever, aren't you?" Claw asks. "Even after all you've endured."

"Well I have to be. I can't show weakness or I can never become leader of the cat people," I said. "What about you?" Claw was taken aback by my question.

"Oh...well," Claw said. "Mine and Scar's father was a very strict alpha. He wanted us to be stronger then everyone else. He thought Scar wasn't a necessity after he journeyed into the woods. So father gave him his scar and disowned him. My twin brother was all I really cared about." Claw paused as he took off his disguise. He was like an exact replica of Scar. Except he didn't have a scar.

"Why did you change your appearance when you care so much for your brother?" I ask.

Claw took in a calm breath before answering. "I didn't like being compared to him or him compared to me. It didn't give any impressive on any one. We were always known as Ulric's kids, nothing more. I regret every time I harmed my brother."

His story made my heart ache. I never had to experience anything like that. Claw lowered his gaze. Feeling his sorrow, I rubbed my head against his hand.

"You know it's good to get things out and talk to people. Don't be afraid to open up to someone," I said. Taking in a deep breath, I changed into my human form. I pulled Claw into a hug. I could feel his body tense. Claw soon realized what had happened and hugged me back. "If you carry your regrets and don't solve them, you will live a lonely, burdening life. No one should be put throught that." Claw pulled away so he could look me in the eyes.

If that's so, then I don't want to regret not doing this," Claw paused.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"This," Claw said. Before I could respond, Claw wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. My eyes shot open. The sudden movement left me in shock. After a while, Claw pulled away and got to his feet. He wore a smirk. "You should be honored. That was my first kiss." Claw was back to his usual self. "I'll be leaving now."

Claw left me in shock. I felt my lips with my fingers. I could still feel his warm lips on mine. He kissed me.

Hey my amazing readers. Sorry for the late updates and this short chapter. My iPod deleted wattpad from its memory and I couldn't download it again. So I was stuck with no means to give you all the stories you love. But at least I got it back. Please leave a comment and if you are feeling generous, please vote on my story(or stories I'd you read more then one of my stories). Thank u all

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