A New Leader

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(Scar POV)

I had finally put the fake Alyssa cat into place when the ground began to shake. My Heart had a sudden ache. I gripped my chest as the pain increased. Tears I didn't know I was holding back streamed down my cheeks. Alyssa! I need to help her! The pain got worse. I cried out with pain. Alyssa was in great pain. I never should have let her go on her own. I needed to go to her. The walls began to crumble. Dammit!

"Everyone! Get to the surface! The cave's collapsing!" Someone yelled from the hallway. I needed to leave. Wiping the tears away, I bolted out of room and into the hallway. On my way I noticed Alyssa's Katars. I picked them up and continues on. My legs moved on their own as I turned corners and helping other wolves out. Just as the last of us got out of the cave, it caved in. Claw walked over to the cave entrance. His pained expression sent an aura of great danger over the crowd.

"What happened Scar?" Claw asked turning to me.

"Well...uh, there was an earthquake that caused the cave to collapse," I explained. Claw looked around. His gaze was frantic, as if looking for something in particular.

"Where's Alyssa?" Claw asked. 

Oh crap. "She...uh," I mutter. Claw's eyes blazed with fury.

"Where is she Scar?!" Claw yelled. I looked down. Claw grew angrier by the second. "Get out!"

"What?" I ask looking up.

"Get out Scar!" Claw yelled. "I banish you from this pack! You let Alyssa die-."

"I didn't let her die!" I shout. Claw's eyes shot to mine.

"Then what do you call that!" Claw yelled, pointing to the collapsed cave.

"I released her from your bloody command!" I yell. My yellow eyes filled with overpowering will power. Claw took my last comment the wrong way.

"So you think that letting her die was better then being with me?!" Claw screams. Claw pointed in the direction of the border. "GO! If you don't leave I'll send my wolves after you. Don't make me kill you Scar. The kindest punishment I can give you is this."

My ears pull back with an angered growl. "You know that you just pushed away the last person that ever cared about you," I said. "Good for you. You are now a truly cold blooded alpha." I Gave Scar one last glance before changing into my wolf form and running off.


I reached the border that led to the clan of cats. Changing back, I was about to cross when someone spoke from the shadows.

"Leave wolf, or I'll be forced to put you down," Said the voice.

"Who's there?" I asked. A male cat with black ears and white tips glared at me.

"My name is Finn," He said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Scar," I said. "I need to find Alyssa." My statement made him tense.

"Our leader will not speak with any wolf at this time," Finn said.

"I was talking about Alyssa, not Clan leader Johnathan," I said.

"We have a new Clan leader," Finn admitted.

"Who would that be?" I ask.

"Our strongest leader in centuries," Finn said smirking. "Alyssa, the pure hearted."

Johnathan is dead?! I needed to see her before I worry about anything else. "Well, can I see her?" I ask.

"She won't speak to you," Finn said.

"Why not?" I ask a little bit irritated.

"She hates wolves," Finn said.

"That wouldn't be the case if she came to make peace with us," I said crossing my arms.

Finn stood there for a while. Finally he spoke. "What do you want to talk to her about?"

"She's hurt. I can feel it. I need to see my true love," I admitted showing him Alyssa's katars.

"Is that so?" Finn said with a smirk. "Then who are we to keep you apart." Finn snapped his fingers. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck. I grabbed at it to be surprised by the cold touch. I pulled it out to find a sleeping dart. Dammit! "Heh, the clan needs to know this," Finn laughed wickedly as everything began to blur. Before I faded, I looked up and watched a fresh set of snow fall from the sky.


(Alyssa's POV)

I still held onto my father's hand. It was to painful to think he was actually gone. In side I thought maybe he was joking. I gripped his hand tighter as if to prevent his soul from leaving his body. Tears still streamed from my eyes. The stormed died out a bit but it was still snowing. I heard some footsteps enter my cave. I turn slightly to see who it was. It was my father's most trusted warrior, Jarod. He stood tall trying to hold back all emotions he had at this moment.

"Lady Alyssa, I would like to speak with you," He said. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Yes, What is it Jarod?" I ask.

"The people were wondering if you will take your fathers wishes to heart, and become the new leader," Jarod said.

"I would never disrespect my father's legacy. I was born to do this. I'm not giving up my position," I said. Jarod smiled sadly.

"Good, because there is no other person I'd rather take over this title then you," He said. I smiled faintly. "I will return to my post for now. If you need anything, I'm here." I nod. Before he left, he placed a decorated box next to me. The box was decorated with cats and suns. It looked familiar. Picking it up, I slowly opened it. Inside was a pair of metal cat earpieces. They started at the top of the ear and dangling from them were a cat and wolf version of the yin and yang symbol. on the box lid was an inscription.

To my daughter.

I know you will do great things in your life. So I had these made for you. I believe they will suit you just right.

Love your father.

I Almost cried while reading this. Without hesitation, I put on the earpieces.  After doing so, I heard a loud thud come from someone. I turned around to see Scar tied up on the ground and Finn at the entrance blocking our exit.

"Look at what the cat dragged in," Finn said smirking.

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